Building facade billboard

>△<What are the regulations for LED screen billboards facing the street?

It is not allowed to hang, post, or write promotional slogans and advertising signs, signs, stickers, or set up external electronic displays on the facades, roofs, doors and windows of buildings (structures) facing the street without authorization; Publicity slogans and advertising signs, signs, stickers, or external electronic displays shall not be posted or written without authorization on the transparent glass curtain walls, doors and windows of buildings (structures) facing the streets on both sides of main streets and in key areas.

≥△≤The main contents of fire inspection for the decoration of building exterior walls are ()
[Answer]: BCD
1. Combustion performance of decorative materials Decorative materials attached to building exterior walls ( (such as decorative boards, billboards and banners, etc.), if flammable materials are used, the fire will spre ad from the facade to multiple floors to form three-dimensional combustion, which greatly increases the difficulty of fire extinguishing and rescue. Therefore, the materials of large outdoor billboards and banners should be easy to demolish in case of fire; combustible materials must not be used in the decorative layer of building exterior walls. When the building height is greater than 24m, non-combustible materials must be used. It should be noted that when the decorative layer of the building's exterior wall uses combustible insulation materials, ceramic tile materials that are easy to fall off in the event of a fire must not be used. 2. Installation location of billboards If outdoor billboards are placed outside fire-extinguishing rescue windows or natural smoke exhaust windows, it will be detrimental to the smoke exhaust of the building, the escape of personnel in emergencies, and external fire rescue. At the same time, it should be noted that no protruding billboards are allowed on the outer wall on the side of the fire truck's climbing surface to pre vent the fire truck's climbing operation from being affected. 3. The combustion performance of outdoor electroluminescent billboards installed on the wall. Outdoor electroluminescent billboards directly installed on walls made of combustible or flame-retardant materials can easily become a source of ignition and cause fires, and can cause the fire to spre ad along the outside of the building. The facade spre ads. Therefore, outdoor electroluminescent billboards must not be placed directly on walls containing flammable or flame-retardant materials.
