The most popular advertising lights

+▽+Lighting store slogan in Moments (lighting copy to attract customers)
1. LED, the searchlight on your bright road.
2. Chuangyuan lamps illuminate every corner.
3. New era lighting, light up your life.
4. With you, my home is warm. Chinese lighting is famous all over the world.
5. Lighting in the new era is a good friend in life.
6. Crystal-colored bright lights illuminate the world.
7. When the lamp of eternal light and the lamp of the sea are lit up, the world is the truth.
8. Famous lighting. Famous lighting illuminates the world.
9. New era lighting, colorful life, endless excitement.
10. The everlasting lamp will be with you. He will light up the whole earth.
11. New era lighting, giving you what you want most.
12. Chuangyuan lamps are good at light quality rather than quantity.
13. Light up the colors of dreams, light up the heart lamp, and wait for you to go home.
14. The famous lighting is stylish and radiant.
15. Create source lamps with original charm.
16. In the era of light, good lamps illuminate a good life.
17. Navigate the ocean of lighting with Yongguang!
18. Feel life, feel love, lighting reformist, life artist.
19. New era lighting, top residential lighting art master.
20. New era lighting makes your home beautiful!
21. Owning Jinkaite lighting has unique brightness, beauty and excitement.
22. New era lighting, let us illuminate every home!
23. New era lighting, a kind of style and a kind of harmony.
24. The first night when neon lights illuminated the world.
25. New era lighting: We use lights to light up a new era.
26. The lamp of love, the light of faith, the lamp of eternal light.
27. Lighting in the shining era, the sun of the lighting kingdom!
28. Famous lighting is popular among people on earth.
29. Thousands of lights create a source of warmth.
30. New era lighting, illuminating every corner of the world.
31. There is no reason not to fall in love with famous lighting.
32. Let the world applaud fashionable lighting and classic lighting.
33. Quality illuminates life, Plietti Lighting.
34. Choose the right lamp and enter the era. Welcome to the new era!
35. Mingzhao lighting, illuminate your world!
36. In the new era of lamp shopping, imitation liquid feels very real.
37. The world of crystal, the world of crystal lamps, fashionable and famous lamps, dazzling!
38. New era lighting, shining in the new era.
39. A bright light of happiness guides the way home.
40. New era lighting, warm your and my home.
41. According to the lighting style, it radiates infinite brilliance.
42. New era lighting makes your home radiant!
43. Famous lighting, achieve classics and enjoy eternity.
44. Create a source and light up a lamp for filial piety in life.
45. Lanterns need colorful decorations, and the light and shadow should be harmonious.

≥^≤What kind of light is this kind of outdoor advertising light?
This kind of outdoor advertising lights are generally 400W advertising spotlights, one at a distance of 2 meters. A better brand is Philips.
