Investment billboard above the highway tunnel

Who knows the basic requirements for the installation of pillar billboard facilities?
Large and tall
outdoor advertising
must Use a single-column dihedral or
, and the
should be ≥0.5m.
Large-scale high-post outdoor advertising facilities shall not be installed in
the tunnel
the tunnel
both ends
, shall not be located on the
bridge body(including
main bridge
approach bridge
Large-scale high-post outdoor advertising facilities should be installed outside urban expre ssways
, city
, and both sides of highways

City road
15m away from the red line, city
Drainage pipe
10m away, city
10m away from the outside of the river
If you want to do
pillar advertising, please contact Changhui Advertising, which does a good job.

Do you pay attention to highway advertisements on the highway?

To be honest, I will pay attention. If there are advertisements on the highway, I will glance at them. If I am interested, I will take a few more glances. If I am not interested, I will just pass by.

Because driving on the highway is really boring. Everyone is moving forward along a path that is basically a straight line. Then the buildings on both sides are the same, or they are endless fields. In this constant situation on the road, I watched the railings on both sides keep receding. The only thing that makes you feel like you are driving forward are the houses that are constantly retreating around you and the vehicles you are passing. Only then do you realize that you are driving forward.

On the highway, you can’t look at your phone or do anything. You have to keep your eyes looking straight ahead. Even if the road is empty, you still need to concentrate because the speed of the car is usually around 100 yards. Once something happens, it is impossible to react in time. Therefore, on the highway, you can only look at the road ahead and make correct reactions at any time according to the road conditions.

So, at this time, if there are some advertisements on the road, you can read them to relieve loneliness and relieve the tired eyes. It is also a good choice. However, to be honest, the advertisements on the highway are generally very uncreative or very bad. It is rare to see the kind of advertisements that shine in front of you. But there's nothing I can do about it. There seems to be nothing else to see on the highway except for the occasional big road sign banner or a huge advertisement. If the advertisement has a lot of words, I usually ignore it. After all, the speed of the car is very fast. It only takes a few seconds from the time I see the advertisement to the moment it passes by. Generally, if the picture is well done, I may take a second look.

However, after all, on the highway, you should not focus too much on watching advertisements. You should still pay attention to the traffic conditions in front of you so that you will not be unable to deal with unexpected situations.
