
Where are the advertising plaques in Linyi?


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伏季孤 2024-09-23 11:48:07

⑴Sample work summary of the night club master

According to the company's requirements, the marketing department's work in April is summarized as follows:

The work in January and April.

1. Do a good job in the handover of resigning personnel, supervise the handover process, and require resigning employees to teach them all the job responsibilities, job skills, and pre cautions within one month of leaving their posts before leaving their posts. For new employees, ensure that normal work is not out of touch. At the same time, pay attention to the psychological trends of other employees in a timely manner, provide timely communication and exchanges, strive to improve the new employees' various business skills and job skills, and strengthen the ability of new employees to independently handle the daily affairs of the marketing department. ability.

2. Take photos of the service stars selected by each department in the first quarter, and make service star plaques to hang on the corporate culture wall in the store, setting a good role model image for employees, and setting a good example for the company selected every month The team sales champion, runner-up, and service star made exquisite banners and hung them in prominent positions in the booths of each award-winning brand to promote the brand's reputation.

3. In the pre liminary fundraising work of the crowd-pleased Gree event, we led a team to conduct Gree fundraising promotion activities in Jiuqu Garden, Xuyang Group, and Meiduo Trade City, and fully promoted the sales of Gree air conditioners in shopping malls. During the three days of work, a total of more than 80 units were raised.

4. Preparations were made in advance for the Rigre rush sale and shopping mall nightclub activities, and a six-layer cake was customized for the nightclub to enliven the atmosphere of the store and maintain the atmosphere of the hourly lottery at the nightclub until the last draw. , actively cooperated with the company's marketing center, and worked closely with Traffic Music Station host Pan Yue and TV host to host the Gree Shopping TV live broadcast event and eight live radio broadcasts from April 2 to April 6.

5. Learn to implement the company's new member activities, and post the new member activities on the service desk.

All employees promote membership cards and points gift redemption to customers. During the fundraising activities of TCL TV and Midea air conditioners, employees were required to do a good job in promotion, each person set sales tasks, and worked hard to promote the sales of TCL TV and Midea air conditioners.

6. Insist on recording and reporting unsatisfactory information every day, emphasizing the timely delivery, follow-up and reply of information. Insist on reporting the distribution statistics of gifts to members of the marketing department, company activities, and department activities every day to facilitate shopping mall leaders and department managers to understand the use of activity gifts in a timely manner.

7. According to the company’s requirements, go to Linyi City’s 3rd Begonia (City Flower) Festival base in advance to inspect the venue, contact the exhibition matters, sign an exhibition contract, and actively assist various departments in organizing exhibition materials and machines. Begonia During the festival, I led a team to participate in the exhibition according to the requirements of the mall, and insisted on being at the event site with Director Chen and other leaders of the mall. In order to ensure the safety of the goods in the mall, I lived and ate at the event site with Director Chen and other leaders of the mall, and continued to work continuously despite the large temperature difference between day and night. Worked at night for three nights, got up early every day to go on display and collected machines in the afternoon.

8. Produced the inkjet printing of promotional advertisements for the company's home appliances benefiting the people double subsidy campaign, promptly printed brand activity POPs and wrote explosion cards for various departments in the mall. Announcers are required to broadcast marketing activities in stores every day, and send warm wishes to employees on their birthdays.

The focus of work in February and May.

1. Continue to pay attention to the training and learning of new employees and pay attention to their growth at any time.

2. Ensure normal reception work during the May Day period and recruit 4-5 temporary promotion personnel.

3. Preliminary organizational pre parations for the company’s May Day activities, leading employees to learn the event details, operating methods and pre cautions.

4. Design and production company’s advertising window printing, caravan advertising, crown hats, posters and other work for the May Day event. Actively assist the mall manager and other brother departments in their work.