
What do platinum five-star hotels and seven-star hotels mean? What are the differences and differences?
In China, the star ranking of hotels is three stars, four stars, five stars, platinum and five stars. These all require star rating assessments. There are obvious signs on the outside of the hotel and in the hotel lobby indicating how many stars there are. Those without stars mean there is no assessment. assessment.
However, even if international brands such as Marriott and Intercontinental are not assessed and rated with stars, everyone will default to five-star hotels because they are international brands. In the West, these hotels are five-star, so many such hotels now are not It’s troublesome to rate a hotel because it costs money, and many people assume that a five-star hotel will have more guests.
As for the seven-star hotel you mentioned, the hotel industry does not have such evaluation stars at all. It is just that the most prosperous hotel in the world is in the United Arab Emirates. We cannot use star ratings to evaluate it, and the star rating standards in China and foreign countries are also different. no the same. It can only be described as seven stars.
In addition, when many hotels promote themselves to the outside world and advertise, they will say that they are five stars. In fact, they do not have even one star. It is just that the hardware, software and services are about to reach the five-star standard. Because China’s hotel star evaluation regulations require that it must be open for more than two years. There are some hotels that can be rated as five-stars. You should ignore them if they claim to be platinum five-star or six-star. There is no such thing as a six-star rating. However, there are very few platinum five-star hotels in China that are truly rated as platinum five-stars.

A "five-star hotel" is actually a "five-diamond hotel". How can we make consumers more clear when booking a hotel?

Star-rated hotels are recognized by specialized industry associations, while diamond-level hotels are certified by the platform. Consumers also need to distinguish clearly when booking a hotel to avoid making the wrong reservation. The platform cannot use this to fool consumers. It must clearly indicate the hotel's level so that consumers can find a hotel they are satisfied with. Consumers themselves also need to understand the difference between star rating and diamond level, and check the hotel's qualifications when making a reservation, such as the detailed introduction later, and do not be too careless. If you find that you have been deceived by the platform, you can file a complaint and safeguard your rights and interests.

Some people are not short of money. When they stay in a hotel, they will choose a five-star hotel so that they can get better services. But the platform will fool tourists, for example, it will create its own ranking and designate the hotel as a five-diamond hotel or a four-diamond hotel. Consumers do not understand these and will think that they are booking a five-star or four-star hotel. After arriving at the site, consumers will be disappointed when they find out that they have been deceived, which will also greatly reduce the experience of traveling and staying. Therefore, the platform must be sincere to consumers, otherwise consumers will not patronize it in the future.

People who are engaged in the hotel industry will definitely understand the difference between the two, but ordinary people are as separated as mountains and do not know much about these. Therefore, be sure to only choose five-star hotels and clearly type the above four words in the search bar, so that the possibility of being deceived is relatively small. There are not many five-star hotels listed, but there are many five-diamond hotels in the market. This may also be to make up for the market demand. But this approach is obviously a mistake, so the relevant departments also need to rectify it.

Consumers must read the hotel's introduction clearly, and the platform must also mark it clearly. They must understand that they cannot replace it with similar words or hide some key information. .
