Elevator advertising fee income standards

⒈The Civil Code’s distribution of community public benefits
1. The Civil Code clearly stipulates the distribution of community public benefits.
2. When construction units, property service companies or other managers use the income generated from the owner's shared portion, they must, after deducting reasonable costs, return the remaining portion to the owner.
3. Public benefits within the community, such as elevator advertising revenue, parking lot revenue, rental revenue from public facilities, etc., should be equally shared by all owners.
4. The allocation of public income is usually the responsibility of the owners committee or the property company.
5. In order to ensure the fairness and transparency of distribution, relevant agencies need to regularly announce the details of the revenue and expenditure of public revenue to the owners and accept the supervision of the owners.
6. Owners have the right to inspect public revenue accounts and distribution records to protect their own rights and interests.
7. For example, assuming that the annual income from elevator advertising in a certain community is 100,000 yuan, this income should belong to all owners after deducting necessary costs.
8. The owners committee or the property company can use this part of the income for public facilities maintenance, greening and other public expenditures in the community, or distribute it according to the decision of the owners meeting, such as even distribution according to the house area or the number of owners.
9. The Civil Code also provides a mechanism for resolving disputes over the distribution of public benefits.
10. If the owners have objections to the distribution of public benefits, they can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.
11. The provisions of the Civil Code ensure the fair distribution of community public benefits and establish a dispute resolution mechanism to protect the legitimate rights and interests of owners.
12. During the implementation process, cooperation between the owners' committee, property companies and owners is required to ensure fairness, transparency and legality in the distribution of public benefits.
