What is the revenue from elevator advertising?

本文目录一览⒈What are the charging standards for elevator advertisements in the community?

1. What is the general charging standard for residential elevator advertising?
Generally speaking, the cost of renting a residential elevator advertising is about 5,000 to 12,000 yuan. Of course, a detailed analysis of specific circumstances, such as differences in real estate and region, will affect this part of the rental cost. However, for many owners, they don’t know where the costs go, and they know little about the cost of elevator advertising. The editor recommends that owners pay attention to it.
2. Who should get the income from the elevator advertising in the community
I believe you can often see the elevator advertising in the picture, but whether this part of the cost belongs to the owner or the property has been controversial. . Judging from the current situation, most properties directly receive this part of the cost. For example, Century Garden Community in Zhangdian District can be said to be at the forefront of the city in terms of elevator advertising.

According to relevant personnel, the income is based on the principle of benefiting and using the people. Especially in the elevator advertising fee, there are two advertising spaces in the car and elevator door. They both took a pre mise that the owner agreed to and then advertised it. For example, Century Garden Community has a total of 137 elevators and about 274 advertising spaces. The annual income of each elevator is about 1,100 yuan. With the owner's consent, half of the elevator advertising revenue will be returned to the owner.
Of course, the relevant personnel have responded to the use of this income. At the same time, there is a principle that stipulates that elevator advertising revenue should be used to purchase elevator safety liability insurance, supplement elevator maintenance costs or dedicated line maintenance costs. At the same time, in order to make residents live more comfortably, the revenue and expenditure will be announced every quarter to make the revenue from elevator advertising fees more transparent.

⒉How much of the advertising fees in the elevator belong to the owners?
The advertising fees for the elevators in the community belong to all the owners. The common area occupied by the elevator is provided by all owners, but the advertising fee is collected by the property company. The general advertising fee is not large. The advertising fee collected is mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds. Some communities can even achieve positive revenue. , these revenues may be distributed to owners as dividends. If a property management company uses shared areas and shared facilities and equipment for business operations, the advertising revenue or booth revenue it obtains belongs to the owners.
If you use shared parts of the property and shared facilities and equipment for business operations, you must obtain the consent of the relevant owners, owners' meeting, and property service companies, and go through relevant procedures in accordance with regulations. The income earned by the owners should be mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds, and can also be used according to the decision of the owners' meeting. Public buildings and shared facilities constructed in accordance with the plan within the property management area shall not be changed in use.
If the owner really needs to change the use of public buildings and shared facilities in accordance with the law, he should inform the property service company after completing the relevant procedures in accordance with the law; if the property service company really needs to change the use of public buildings and shared facilities, it should submit it to the owners' meeting for discussion and decision. , the owner shall handle relevant procedures in accordance with the law. The owner has the right to possess, use, profit from and dispose of the exclusive part of the building. The owner shall not endanger the safety of the building or damage the legitimate rights and interests of other owners when exercising their rights.
How to charge for general elevator advertisements
1. This depends on the positioning of the community and the population of the community. If the population is large, the price of a high-end community will be expensive. The approximate price per month is more than 500 yuan. It ranges from more than 1,000 yuan.
2. Taking Shanghai as an example, elevator advertising is currently divided into two forms: flat posters and LCD TVs. In Shanghai, elevator advertising is based on each screen, and a week is 7 days. The price of flat posters is roughly 200 yuan/block/week; LCD TV is 250 yuan/block/week.
3. The specific price also depends on your placement volume. The more quantity you put in, the more favorable the price will be.
To sum up, regarding the issue of how much of the advertising fees in the elevator belong to the owners, it is recommended to refer to the above content. The advertising fees for the elevators in the community belong to all the owners. Public buildings and shared facilities built according to the plan in the property management area are not allowed to Repurpose.

Legal basis:
Article 271 of the Civil Code (Divided Ownership of Buildings) The owner shall have ownership rights to the exclusive parts such as residences and commercial buildings in the building, and shall not The common parts other than the existing part enjoy the rights of common ownership and joint management.

⒊Who does the advertising fees belong to when the property advertises in the elevator?

Elevator advertising fees are one of the components of the public income of the community and are earned from operating the elevator, a common facility for all owners. income.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Property Management Regulations", this income is the same as other public benefits, and its ownership rights belong to all owners. This point is not controversial.
