I saw a billboard when I came home from get off work

⓵After I get home, I can take the initiative to tell adults the tasks assigned by the teacher
I like reading and keep reading every day. He is a good boy who loves reading
Baby Haoer has been well-behaved, sensible, and quiet since he was a child. He has loved reading since he was three years old. After his mother discovered his hobby, she also followed his hobby and often bought books for him. He reads and tells stories to him. Every day when his mother gets off work, Haoran will definitely ask: Mom, did you bring back a book today? He goes out to play and likes to observe. Street signs and billboards are all objects he can read. Therefore, he knows He has a lot of words and can now read many books on his own. He has strong understanding and loves to ask questions. He also likes to read maps.
2) Love to ask, be good at thinking, have strong understanding, good memory, and rich imagination
No matter what I don’t understand when I was young, I always liked to ask why? Since I was three years old, I always like to ask questions when I encounter something I don’t understand. Start by asking why leaves are green? Why do buses spontaneously ignite? Why does air conditioning make people comfortable? Why can a car run on the road? Do ships have wheels? It is pre cisely these reasons that triggered Haoer's interest in reading. One Hundred Thousand Whys in the Family is his favorite. I often remind my mother to sleep on her right side or lie flat. Because he saw from the book that the heart is on the left side. My mother had long forgotten this. He has strong understanding ability, and the little guy can understand and compre hend a lot of knowledge on his own. And remember it deeply in my heart.
3) Consciously complete homework
Be able to take the initiative to do homework after school. The homework assigned by the teacher can basically be completed consciously. I think homework is my own business, and adults don’t need to worry too much about homework.
4) Keep a diary every day
Haoer has been dictating a diary to her mother for more than a month. Recording the happy or unhappy things of the day every day is also a bridge for mothers to understand and communicate with their children.
5) He is a child who is willing to share and does not argue or make noise with his peers
Haoer also knows how to share when playing with his peers. He will not quarrel with his peers over toys. He has a good relationship with the neighbor's children, so every neighbor's child loves to play with Hao'er.
6) Filial piety
Haoer knows how to be filial to the elderly and will give vegetables to grandma and others for every meal. Know how to be courteous.
7) He is a brave child
When he gets an injection or gets injured, he rarely cries. Even if the fall hurts, I won't cry. I would tell my mother that it hurts, but I am a boy. I have to be brave and hold on even if it hurts. Have strong perseverance and extraordinary psychological quality.
8) Children who love to laugh and are optimistic
Wherever there are children, there is their laughter. Haoer has not loved to cry since she was a child. Even if you are in a bad mood, it can easily get better. You can usually see him laughing within a few minutes.
9) Be brave enough to admit mistakes
Children will inevitably make mistakes, and children’s mistakes are often not made subjectively. It's just that children don't understand. Sometimes children are just excited and don't understand, and will go against the wishes of adults. Often under the guidance of parents, they can quickly realize that they are wrong and apologize in a timely manner. A person who dares to admit his mistakes will definitely become a person who dares to take responsibility and has a sense of responsibility.
10) Observe disciplines and listen carefully to classes
In the home contact manual of the kindergarten, I often see praises from teachers, saying that Haoran is a good child who is well-behaved, sensible, obeys classroom disciplines, and listens carefully to classes. Haoer himself will come back and tell our parents that he has been praised by the teacher again because he listened carefully to the class
