
I went to Dongshan Hotel for a drink yesterday and suddenly noticed an elevator screen in the elevator called Tilin Media. This is the first time I heard about it. What do you think?
Tilin Media is good
Tilin Media is a media platform that provides professional and high-quality elevator advertising and communication services.
Tilin Media uses the LCD display in the elevator car as a carrier to deliver advertising information to elevator passengers through networked media content and a closed broadcast environment to achieve effective arrival of advertising information.
Currently, Tilin Media’s network covers the city’s mid- to high-end crowds, with more than a thousand media outlets, widely distributed in major famous business districts and mid-to-high-end crowd gathering places in Guangzhou, including in the High-end business buildings, commercial and residential apartments, community buildings, entertainment venues and fitness clubs, etc., have penetrated into every corner of white-collar work and life.

How to do advertising promotion, and how to evaluate the current print advertisements in elevators and subways?
A copywriting dog with 10 years of experience passed by.
I would say about 90% of advertising today is wrong or incomplete.
Wrong advertising slogans mean that the effect is reduced or ineffective, and huge advertising costs are wasted.
Here I combine personal experience and excerpts from "The Fifth Level of the Product" to list several common mistakes in advertising slogans:
(1) Self-centered, not user-centered
There are many advertising slogans of this type, such as talking about the night photography function of a certain mobile phone:
"Large aperture, super photosensitivity", this is an advertising slogan that talks about functions from a corporate perspective.
It is difficult for consumers to understand what "large aperture, high-quality photosensitive element" is and what its benefits are.
Users don’t see any benefits, so they will naturally be indifferent.
“If you love cleanliness, live in Hanting”, cleanliness is a benefit.
"Children who learn piano will not become bad." It is a good thing not to become bad.
If a product meets needs, it must be able to bring benefits to others.
Advertising slogans should convey the benefits to consumers accurately and skillfully.
(2) Blindly follow big names
LV can say that "life itself is a journey."
TheNorthFace can say that "exploration never stops."
If start-ups follow suit, they are likely to die.
The advertising expre ssion of big brands is the brand spirit concept.
When advertising for small businesses, it is better to follow the instructions in item (1) and directly explain the benefits of the product.
(3) The advertising slogan is not focused
It is enough for the advertising slogan to expre ss the core interests in place.
Being greedy for too much is one of the most common mistakes in advertising.
Many advertising slogans like to talk about five selling points and eight selling points, but as a result, consumers often don’t remember any of them.
If the positioning of your car is safety, then it is enough to talk about safety thoroughly.
Let’s talk about luxury, good driving experience, silent interior, and intelligence. There is too much information and it is too complicated.
In addition, we are now in an era of information explosion. It is impossible for consumers to remember so much information.
Advertising that cannot be remembered is equivalent to wasting money.
(4) The advertising slogan is unclear
For example, the advertising slogan of a certain wine brand: "Better times deserve a better you",
Every word is clearly I know it, but after reading it I still don’t understand what it means.
Why better times deserve a better you?
What does it have to do with wine? The more I think about it, the more confused I become.
This kind of advertising slogan looks very high-quality, but in fact it means nothing.
(5) Suspense advertisements
There were many suspense advertisements in the past few years, and there were also successful cases.
The environment at that time was lack of information.
People were interested in new and strange things. Everything is full of curiosity and desire to explore, so suspense advertising is effective.
Now is already an era of information explosion.
There is too much novel information that exists to attract attention.
People’s brains have long been bombarded with novel information and become numb.
Nowadays, if people cannot understand the information at a glance, they are most likely to cross it, and then nothing will happen.
(6) The advertising slogan speaks to everyone
The advertising slogan speaks to everyone. Trying to impre ss everyone may result in impre ssing no one.
For different groups, such as women, men, the elderly, the post-60s generation, the post-80s generation and Generation Z
, the language styles and communication methods are also very different.
If it is not accurate, it will be difficult to penetrate into the hearts of users and truly impre ss them.
On the contrary, when writing advertising slogans, start small, confirm the core user portrait, and only say it to one person.
If you can impre ss her, you can impre ss the entire circle of people.
(7) Incomplete advertising information
Incomplete advertising information is not a low-level problem, but that many advertisers do not know what information a complete and qualified advertising slogan needs to contain. .
Some only have the value of the product, but no brand name.
Is this a public service announcement for the industry? !
Some have brand names and slogans, but we can’t tell what category the product is.
For example, there is an elevator print advertisement for a Weiss lunch box. It is obviously a take-out lunch box but there is no word to identify it. And then there is a bunch of data on the picture, which makes people think it is a weight loss meal.
There is a chestnut brand elevator print advertisement. It has the brand name and a description that it is a chestnut product, but there is no slogan and no origin label.
What does advertising do? Just tell people you make chestnuts?
There are so many similar products, why should people buy you?
(8) In order to attract people's attention, there is no bottom line
Some companies, in order to attract people's attention with their advertisements, do not hesitate to put down their bottom line,
blindly pursue novelty or take side shots.
Even if this kind of thing is remembered by everyone, it is still a bad first impre ssion. There is no sense of trust, let alone goodwill. In fact, the gain outweighs the loss. A certain daily chemical brand once advertised "Women's feet smell five times more than men's". As a result, it was fined 700,000 yuan and was scolded by users as vulgar and disrespectful to women.
As early as the 1960s, advertising guru Leo Burnett had already said:
“If you want to be unconventional, you can go to work in the morning with a sock in your mouth.”
Just imagine. Next, if someone really shows up in the office with a sock in his mouth, you will remember this person, but do you trust him?
There is a high probability that you will think, "This person is sick."
