
发布:2024-09-24 12:15:40 作者:春孟谧

⓵Advertising slogans that are full of implication, imagination and human touch
Traffic safety advertising: God is not perfect. He has pre pared spare parts for cars, but humans do not have a certain road traffic advertisement: If your car can swim, please drive straight without braking New book advertisement: The author of this book is a millionaire and unmarried, and the object of his desire is the heroine described in this novel! Flower shop advertisement: The roses in our store are the cheapest today. You can even buy a few to give to your wife. I’m hungry, feed me: The advertisement on the trash can in Qingdao gives an ideal space to ideals: Beijing Lanhuaguo Apartment in the United States Canadian bubbles are rising: Canadian beer wins progress with time: American timing company "Liberation Daily": the first choice to understand Shanghai "Morning News": news power optimizes life "World News": The earth is big, the eyeballs are big "Yangcheng Evening News" ": True knowledge affects life. "Beijing Youth Daily": Where there is news, we are there. "Beijing Entertainment News": One piece of news is one. "Beijing Evening News": Evening news is not late news. "Legal Wencui News": Good people get good rewards. "Labor" "Afternoon Newspaper": Daily newspaper in the morning and evening newspaper "21st Century Economic Report": News creates value "Global Times": See the world with you "Sanlian Life Weekly": A magazine and the life it advocates "New Economy": White Paper on China's Economic Phenomena "The Bund": Public trust is vitality, and if you have an opinion, you have foresight. "The New York Times": All news suitable for publication. "The Economist": It's hard to live in high places, but luckily there is "Southern Weekend": Calm, yes A state of rationality, a kind of maturity. After 20 years, the feelings are still the same. Chrysler Automobile: If you don’t consider our Chrysler cars when you buy a car, you will suffer a loss. Not only you will suffer a loss, but we will also suffer a loss. German Scarab Car: The appearance of this car has remained the same, so it is ugly in appearance, but its performance has been improving. Bondiac: It's nice to sit in one, and even nicer to be seen sitting in one. Franklin: A car that never gives you trouble. BMW Sedan: Even if you take it to pieces, it's still a beauty. Japan's Toyota Motor: There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and where there is a road, there must be a Toyota car. Cadillac Sedan: Power, speed and luxury all rolled into one. The enrollment advertisement for a certain French learning class said: If you find that you don’t like the course after listening to the class, you can ask for a refund of your tuition fee, but you must say it in French. Recruiting female secretary: looks like a young girl, thinks like an adult man, behaves like a mature lady, and works like a donkey! A Swiss travel company warned on a billboard: "Go to the Alps quickly, there will be no mountains in 6,000 years!" Restaurant advertisement: Come and dine at our restaurant! Otherwise you and I will both starve. Air Conditioning Advertisement: This product has the loneliest maintenance workers in the world. Safety Advertisement: If you are addicted to alcohol, you can drink here, but please leave your address first so that your ashes can be sent to your family. Dentist clinic: "Please feel free to have your teeth filled. Even if he or she kisses you, he or she will not notice it." Gas station billboard: "If you are addicted to cigarettes, you can smoke here. But please leave your address so that we can Send your ashes to your family. "The milk factory advertised in the newspaper: "If you eat a bottle of fresh milk produced by our factory every day for 5,214 weeks, you will live to be 100 years old!" The enrollment advertisement for the "Facial Expre ssion Research Institute" says: "You will learn to frown skillfully with us, so that people will feel that you are an honest person." An advertisement for a water heater product: "Don't just look at the high price of this product. If you buy a cheap water heater, you will be in dire straits. "Cosmetic advertisement: This product is most attractive to men, so it comes with a self-defense textbook. Flower Advertisement: Send a few flowers to the person you love the most, but don’t forget your wife. Perfume advertisement: This product is the most attractive to the opposite sex, so a self-defense textbook is included with this product. Barber shop advertisement: Although it is a hair-cutting technique, it is the highest level of effort.
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