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Publicity board with awning on top

藏叔斯2024-09-21 15:58:26威海广告网百科7772
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Publicity board with awning on top的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
⒈What does a trash can station mean?

The pre vious trash can was a large open iron box, and all garbage was dumped together. Later, a trash station was built, and the iron box was replaced with a four-color trash can. Residents realized In addition to classified distribution, the publicity board and public notice board have been improved, and convenience facilities have been added, making it more convenient to use

The open-air barrel station has an awning installed, so you are not afraid of "water flooding the golden mountain" on rainy days; Each trash can lid is equipped with a pull ring, which can be easily opened by pulling the lid without getting your hands dirty