How to make the color of tea shop billboards eye-catching

本文目录一览⒈I am in the tea business, and my store is a small passage. Regular customers walk past my store and come back. Is there any way to pre vent this from happening again?
Erect a conspicuous sign or The large sign allows people to see that there is a tea shop in the passage. Or set up a promotional booth directly at the entrance of the passage for a certain period of time, such as weekends. It should be effective after a while.

⒉How to open a good tea shop
How to open a good tea shop
Selling tea requires a good supply, which is the key to opening a good tea shop. It is best to have your own tea farm or a better supply of goods. This not only has a price advantage, but also guarantees quality.
The tea shop should be located near a prosperous community, at the entrance to a downtown area, or near an industrial area.
Start by selling tea cheaply and making less money. This way people feel it is worth the money and a good deal. They will come again and help you introduce business.
For good tea, you must get tea with good taste, so that people will feel that your tea is good after drinking it. Help you promote it. No matter how cheap the tea is, you can't buy tea with bad taste. Even if you sell it, you won't have repeat customers, and it will cut off your own future.
An eye-catching billboard should be set up on the roadside outside the tea shop to let passersby know that there is a tea shop.
In addition, it is best to find connections and do some group buying.
Everything depends on people, do it well and things will get better gradually.
I also own a tea shop. I couldn’t do it at first, but now I’m slowly getting better.

⒊Some tips when decorating a 10-square-meter tea shop

The tea shop is a special shop. Generally speaking, it's neither particularly popular, but it's still everywhere in every town. Here we will focus on how to decorate a 10 square meter tea shop? The design of a tea shop should pay attention to the signboard, style, store shape, color, etc., and also integrate the company's business philosophy and cultural heritage. Of course, the design of the tea shop must also conform to contemporary fashion trends. When designing a store, the first thing to consider is how to better utilize the space. The smaller the store, the more space needs to be fully utilized.

10 square meters tea shop decoration logo

Innovative, eye-catching, concise, beautiful and generous, it can attract customers' attention. Because the store name design itself is an advertisement with a specific meaning, the signboard is a billboard that directly reflects the store image, and the store image is a billboard that highlights the store operation and store culture. Pay attention to color matching, usually with dark colors as the main body, to attract people's attention.

10 square meters of tea shop decoration wall

The walls of the teahouse should follow the "classic" standard, so that the tea culture can be updated, and the tackiness will float out of the wall.

10 square meters of tea shop decoration floor

It must be clean and tidy, and marble and terrazzo can be used. Ground paper can also be used. If the carpet is best used in green or gray colors, dark colors cannot be used.

Exterior lights for 10 square meters of tea shop decoration

The lights outside the tea shop must be bright, the brighter the better, white light cannot be used. In addition, in order to highlight the business characteristics of the tea shop and give customers a harmonious aesthetic, some green plants can be placed in the shop. At the heart of harmonious beauty, you can put some green plants in the store.

Detailed knowledge of tea shop decoration of 10 square meters

The positioning of the decorative design style of the tea shop. China has a tradition of drinking tea, and drinking tea is also a very elegant exercise, so you must pay attention to the decoration design style of the tea shop. The decoration style of tea shops is generally based on freshness and richness. At the same time, it is a good sign that the product name is to sell tea sets and tea leaves, providing customers with a clear purpose so that customers have no chance to learn about tea sets, enter the tea shop and purchase tea products. . Tea shop decoration design should pay attention to the characteristics of aquaculture products. In product design, ordering and layering must be done to promote key products and improve product characteristics. Tea shop decoration design must also consider user experience. Regarding the choice of tea, of course you must use tea sets for brewing and tasting. Therefore, in order to carry out the decoration design and win the favor of customers, an experience area is necessary so that customers can sit down and taste it carefully. The aroma of tea, in turn, increases customers' desire to buy tea.

Most tea shops use the traditional style, with rectangular plaques, black paint as the background color, and gilded characters as the name, and invite celebrities to write. However, the decoration of a 10-square-meter tea shop does not need to be so complicated and can be considered. Take a look at the above.

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