Electronic display billboard installation method

The installation of outdoor billboard LED electronic displays has four links: on-site investigation, equipment construction, installation, and debugging.
1. On-site survey
This refers to the fact that before installation of some outdoor LED displays, they should be tested uniformly according to the specific environment, topography, luminous radiation range, brightness acceptance and other parameters. In order to ensure that the advertising The smooth installation of the sign requires that before lifting and installation, a unified lifting plan must be implemented for the commander to ensure that the equipment can be used normally and stably.
2. LED equipment construction
When building some outdoor LED billboards, wall advertising screens, hanging advertising screens and rooftop advertising screens should be treated differently. During actual installation, cranes and winches should be used for segmented lifting according to the distance and height, while ensuring that the personnel above cooperate with each other. There is a better installation and use process for LED advertising screens that work at high altitudes.
3. Debugging of luminous radiation range
Next, the specific radiation range needs to be detected. Due to different radiation ranges, the LED display screen construction angles will also be different. It must be based on the on-site acceptance ability and We usually perform fixed installation work on outdoor LED displays within the normal viewing angle range to ensure that normal, balanced images and subtitle information can be seen from every angle.
4. Follow-up inspection and maintenance
Follow-up inspection includes many areas, such as LED display waterproofing, heat dissipation layer, LED display waterproof coating, rain-proof area above the display screen, and heat dissipation spaces on both sides. , power supply lines, etc. These basic parts and components constitute the entire graphic LED display with good stability. Later technical maintenance requires unified management and maintenance of these parts. If the product is rusty or unstable, , when damaged, it needs to be replaced in time to ensure the safe use of the entire display screen.

2、How to make LED subtitles and billboards? It is best to use a complete set of processes
Introduction to the production process of LED rolling subtitle billboards:
1. Drilling: put outsourced formed iron letters Fix it to a suitable position and drill holes with an electric drill: 5MM or 8mm. The spacing depends on the height of the external signboard installation and the production cost. Generally, the LED center spacing is: 10--30mm. The smaller the spacing, the better the effect. , the higher the cost. Subtitle advertising is very useful.
2. Insert the lights: Clean the drilled holes and place the lights one by one.
3. Wiring: LED light billboards, first connect in series and then in parallel to the power supply, LCD advertising machine, this step is more difficult LED light strings, each string has a reserved wire end, generally the red one is connected to the positive pole of the power supply , connect the black wire to the negative pole of the LED dedicated power supply.
4. Test aging: After connecting all the LEDs, check and deal with the ones that are not bright, and then perform an aging test for 24 hours.
5. Sealing: Fix the LED to the iron sheet.
6. After the test is completed again, the LED billboard can be installed.

3、What are the outdoor billboards?
The types of outdoor billboards are:
1. LED electronic display billboards
This kind of billboards It is an electronic display screen using LED technology that can play dynamic content such as videos, pictures and text. Due to its high brightness and vivid color performance, it is particularly suitable for outdoor environments.
2. Outdoor inkjet billboards
Outdoor inkjet billboards are a relatively common form of outdoor advertising. Large inkjet printers are usually used to inkjet advertising content on cloth or PVC boards. and then install it in a conspicuous location outdoors.
3. Outdoor light box billboard
Outdoor light box billboard is an advertising form that combines lights and boxes. It is usually made of materials such as acrylic sheets or galvanized steel sheets, and is equipped with lighting equipment inside, which can provide lighting effects at night and attract people's attention.
4. Outdoor signboards
Outdoor signboards are billboards that identify business names, brands or product information. It is usually installed at the entrance of a merchant's store or on a nearby street to attract customers' attention.
5. Outdoor wall billboards
Drawing or pasting advertising content directly on the exterior walls of some buildings is also a form of outdoor billboards. This form is suitable for walls in urban spaces, such as building walls, bridges, etc. Due to its low cost and wide coverage, it is often favored by advertisers. In addition, with the development of cities, many new outdoor billboards with different shapes have appeared in modern cities, such as three-dimensional billboards, multi-functional billboards, etc. These new billboards not only have a promotional function, but also become part of the urban landscape. They play an important role in the outdoor environment, not only providing a promotional platform for businesses and brands, but also adding unique charm to the city.
