
Relevant departments dispatched after billboard fell in Kunming


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典叔钰 2024-09-23 03:05:18

本文目录一览⑴Why did a Kunming real estate company’s income from privately selling advertising space in a community become “private money”?

Through 58.com, the reporter found an advertising company located in Biji Mingcheng that specializes in selling advertising space in residential areas.

A female manager of the company surnamed Cheng said that the company has advertising spaces in 80% of residential areas in the city and is rich in resources. The company mainly acts as an agent for residential elevator advertising business, that is: the lower half of the elevator safety instructions notice board and the pure print advertisements on the three walls of the car. The locations and prices are different. For example: advertising on the second half of the elevator safety instructions costs 80-120 yuan/month; pure print advertising costs 200-500 yuan/month.

The reporter took the advertising space in the elevator car frame of a certain community as an example, and estimated that the conservative price of external buyout by property management is 200 yuan/month/block. If three billboards are installed, the annual income will be about 7,200 yuan. In a high-rise community, each unit building is equipped with at least two elevators. The annual income of a residential area with 10 units is: 7200210 = 144000 yuan. This is only the single cost of advertising space in the elevator, and does not include the cost of advertising space in other public areas such as light boxes and expre ss cabinets in public areas of the community.

Among the owners of five communities interviewed by the reporter, 90% said they were unclear about the advertising revenue and whereabouts of the community. In the community visited by the reporter, there was a light box advertising a plastic surgery hospital at the entrance of the community, a huge advertisement for a supermarket was posted on the elevator door, and there were three advertisements hanging in the elevator, covering catering, insurance, financial management, property sales, etc. . If you calculate the accounts one by one, I'm afraid it's not a small sum.

When the reporter interviewed property companies in some communities in the city, they found that many property companies found it difficult to explain the specific use of the money, but they all said that all the income was used. Among the daily management expenses of the community; some property companies stated that the revenue from advertising in the community is authorized by the property owners committee to manage and use it on their behalf, and not all of it belongs to the owners.

An executive of a well-known property company said that in fact, community advertising revenue is very small, does not account for a large proportion of the property company's income, and is not as high as rumored. According to him, even if some communities do not have a property owners committee, the property company will publicize the income from advertising spaces. This part of the cost generally offsets the maintenance and repair of public facilities in the community, as well as the purchase of flowers and trees.

Through investigation, the reporter found that the public benefits that the owners want to strive for are far more than the revenue from advertising spaces in the community, but also include the revenue from parking spaces in the community’s public areas, the revenue from rented stalls in the community’s public areas, and the use of public facilities such as Income from activity venues, clubs, and swimming pools, part of communication operation and management fees; compensation for damage to public facilities in the community; income from property management houses, etc.

According to Article 55 of the "Property Management Regulations" promulgated by the State Council in October 2007, those who use shared parts of the property and shared facilities and equipment for business operations must obtain the relevant owner's permission from the relevant owners. After obtaining the consent of the owners' meeting and the property service company, the relevant procedures shall be handled in accordance with the regulations. The income earned by the owners should be mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds, and can also be used according to the decision of the owners' meeting.

The reason why the rights and interests of owners cannot be protected is that on the one hand, most communities have not established owners' committees, and it is difficult to convene owners' meetings; on the other hand, the main body of law enforcement is not clear. Some owners think, "Litigation against the property owner in the name of the owner? The total amount of advertising revenue seems large, but it is only a small amount if it is allocated to individuals. The cost of defending rights is too high and not cost-effective."

Mr. Zhao, an industry insider, analyzed that there are four main reasons why Kunming’s current unclear residential advertising revenue and expenditures are unclear. First of all, there is a lack of relevant institutional supervision within property management companies. Concealing advertising revenue and not informing owners has gradually become a "hidden rule" in the property management industry. Secondly, the owners committee was not established in time and performed its functions insufficiently. Furthermore, the current property management industry lacks specialized administrative departments, resulting in irregular supervision and management. In addition, some community owners have weak legal awareness and believe that as long as their own interests are not harmed, they have an indifferent attitude, which objectively encourages property companies to conceal advertising income from the community.

⑵What do you need to pre pare for the urban management report on the door head?
The things you need to pre pare for the door head approval are as follows:
1. Two original photos during the day and two with night scenes and highlighted words. Acrylic color renderings with brightening effect;
2. Two copies of the qualification certificates of the manufacturer who installed the door plaque. The applicant is a commodity operator or service provider who sets up a commercial store front sign.
3. The establishment of store front signs must comply with the requirements of urban planning and streetscape planning, coordinate with the functions of urban areas, comply with the requirements of beautifying the city appearance, and must not affect the functions of the building itself and the lighting and lighting of adjacent buildings. It must be safe and must not hinder traffic or affect fire escapes, nor damage the appearance of the city. For store front signs on the top of the same high-rise building, they must be of the same height from top to bottom, with the front and rear facades parallel and connected to each other, and strive to use neon lights and synchronize the overall lighting. Any unit or individual who discovers illegal activities in outdoor advertising or signboards has the right to report or complain to the city management administrative department and other administrative departments. After receiving reports and complaints, relevant departments shall promptly handle them in accordance with the law.
1. What are the procedures required for store entrance approval?
1. Merchants first go to the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction to apply for a door opening certificate and obtain the opinions of the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction;
2. Go to the convenience center in each district to apply for a door opening with the opinions of the urban management and supervision squadron.

3. After the convenience center agrees with its application, it will take the application to the urban management and supervision squadron within its jurisdiction. The squadron will issue the merchant a city outdoor door sign setting and facade decoration permit and the city's outdoor door sign setting and facade decoration permit. A copy of the license for setting up outdoor advertising facilities. Only with these two certificates can the merchant carry out advertising installation and decoration. However, it must be noted that the construction must be completed within the date specified in the two certificates. If it cannot be completed on time within the time limit, if an extension is needed, it should be submitted to Apply to the urban management department.
4. After the decoration is completed, report to the urban management and supervision squadron within the jurisdiction. The urban management and supervision squadron will go to the site to inspect the completed outdoor advertising. After it is correct with the application specifications and styles, a Kunming outdoor advertising facility installation license will be issued ( original).
5. In addition, the license for setting up outdoor advertising facilities is reviewed once a year. If you want to continue to use it after the expiration, the merchant should submit an application for setting up the facilities in accordance with the relevant regulations within 30 days before the expiration, and go through the approval procedures again. If the application is not processed within the time limit, formalities will be considered as illegal settings.
2. What materials are required to apply for a license to set up outdoor advertising facilities?
1. An application form for an outdoor advertising installation permit stating the specific location of the store, the structure (material) of the installation, and the size (length, width, and height).
2. One copy each of business license, real estate certificate or house rental contract and legal person ID card.
3. Pictures of the original location and renderings of the objects to be installed.
As you can see from the above introduction, if you want to know more about relevant issues, please leave a comment to help you answer your questions.
Through the above introduction, you have learned what you need to pre pare for the urban management reporting door. If you still have relevant questions you would like to know, please leave a comment to help you answer your questions.
"Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations"
Article 11
Outdoor advertisements, placards, galleries, windows, etc. set up in the city must be healthy in content, beautiful in appearance, and regularly maintained and decorated with oil. Or dismantle. The installation of large-scale outdoor advertisements must obtain the consent of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government, and go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration and Management of Enterprise Legal Persons
Article 27
According to relevant national regulations, to implement enterprise-oriented operations, the state will no longer allocate funds to institutions and scientific and technological entities engaged in business activities If a social organization meets the conditions for registration as an enterprise legal person, the unit shall apply for registration, and after approval by the registration authority, it may obtain an "Enterprise Legal Person Business License" before it can engage in business activities.

⑶、Reasons for the fall of billboards in Kunming
The main reason for the fall of billboards in Kunming is the long-term lack of maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging of the billboard structure, material decay and loose fixings.
First of all, billboards exposed for a long time will be affected by the natural environment, such as wind, rain, sun, etc. These factors will accelerate the aging of billboard materials. Metal materials, in particular, are susceptible to corrosion, while wooden or plastic materials may become embrittled due to UV exposure. If these aging materials are not replaced or repaired in a timely manner, their load-bearing capacity will be significantly reduced, thereby increasing the risk of falling.
Secondly, the fixings of billboards, such as screws, solder joints, etc., may also become loose or damaged due to the passage of time and the influence of weather. If the billboard is not installed in strict accordance with the standards, or if substandard quality fixings are used, these problems will gradually be exposed over time, eventually leading to a threat to the stability of the billboard.
Furthermore, lack of regular inspection and maintenance is also an important reason for billboards to fall. Some billboards receive little or no maintenance and inspection after installation, which pre vents potential safety hazards from being discovered and dealt with in a timely manner. For example, if the support structure of a billboard develops cracks or rust and is not repaired in time, the billboard can easily fall due to strong winds or other external forces.
To sum up, the main reason why Kunming billboards fall is the long-term lack of necessary maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging and damage of billboard materials and structures. In order to pre vent similar accidents from happening, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of billboards to ensure their installation quality, and conduct regular safety inspections and maintenance. In addition, the public should also increase their safety awareness and avoid staying near billboards for long periods of time to pre vent accidents.