How to charge for elevator advertising in Shenzhen

⒈How to charge for Shenzhen elevator advertising

Shenzhen elevator advertising, I know of three forms:

In the elevator: elevator frame Advertising

Inside and outside the elevator: video advertising

Elevator door: door sticker advertising (uncommon)

These three forms are different and the prices are different;< /p>

Different regions have different prices. High-end office buildings and residential buildings are much more expensive than ordinary ones;

The release time is different and the prices are different. For example: it is very expensive to rush to get it during Double Eleven. During the Spring Festival, people There are few, and the discounts are extremely low;

Different advertising companies have different prices - most Shenzhen elevator advertisements are focused and relatively expensive. The rest of the agencies, such as Open Sesame, are cheaper.

The price varies greatly depending on the publishing time, for example: it is more expensive during Double Eleven, but cheaper during the Spring Festival;
To do elevator advertising, find an advertising company, and after getting the publication, the specific price needs to be negotiated;< /p>

⒉How much do you charge for the advertising machine in the elevator? Want to advertise?
There are no specific standards for elevator advertising charges. The fees deducted will be different in different cities, and the decision must be made according to the specific content of the advertisement you place and the area where it is placed. Generally, elevators in first-tier cities Advertising costs range from 200 yuan to 800 yuan/week, which is equivalent to several thousand yuan a month. However, compared with media advertising, poles and other advertising, the cost of elevator advertising is much higher, and the cost of elevator advertising is much higher per month. Adjustments will be made throughout the year, and the actual negotiation will be with the advertising and media company
