
?ω?How to collect wool in the supermarket?

Actually, not all supermarkets can collect wool. I think the easiest supermarket to collect wool is the fresh food supermarket.

There are two supermarkets downstairs in my house, one is a fresh food supermarket and the other is a general supermarket. I go shopping whenever I have time, and slowly I find that the fresh food supermarket has discounts every day, and the discounts are very low. , I have accumulated some experience in harvesting wool and would like to share it with you:

Recently, there have been frequent discounts in the fresh food supermarket downstairs. , maybe because the weather is getting hotter. Generally, the supermarket opens at 8:00 in the morning, and it takes about an hour for the clerk to load and sort the goods. Therefore, if you want to get wool, you must go there around 9:00.

The store clerk will put some discounted products in the discount area. If you go early, you can choose first (if you go late, they will be gone). For example, many fruits have no obvious problems and are very fresh; many products such as dairy products, beverages and bread are heavily discounted, some are even as low as 15% off, which is really super cheap~

I would like to share with you my "trophies", which are boxed red and green grapes, only 3 yuan:

The mangoes I bought cost 2 yuan per pound, and 6 large green mangoes cost just over 6 yuan. They taste super sweet~

If you want to buy chicken and seafood, go shopping at night, pre ferably an hour before closing time. For example, pork is sold at a 40% discount, with raw chicken legs priced at 5 yuan per catty; pre pared dishes at 1.5 yuan per box; and cooked food is also very cheap.

One time after getting off work late, I went to the supermarket and found that a cooked pig's trotter was only 8.9 yuan, and a box of pre pared vegetables was only 1.5 yuan. It came with green peppers, carrots, and a few slices of pork. . Let’s be honest~ It costs more than this to buy a raw pig’s trotter. So, just calculate the time and go for a walk at that time, and you will be sure to have a good harvest of wool~

If you want to stay at home, there are also tips for gathering wool online~

The fresh food supermarket downstairs in my house has a lot of online activities. If you are a member of the Fresh Food Supermarket, there is a shake game in the APP. You have three opportunities to participate every day. I tried it many times and got a total of 4 free South African lemons, but you need to spend 138 yuan or more to get it. receive. Anyway, I usually go shopping, so getting four lemons is nothing.

In addition to daily activities exclusive to members, universal activities are also common in the APP, such as limited-time discounts and coupons. This is what I picked up yesterday. It’s so cheap, so cheap that you can’t imagine: 10 pairs of socks are 9.9 yuan, 800 grams of mango is only nearly 5 yuan, and a pack of 240 pieces of paper is only a penny. Let me ask you, is it worth it? not worth? !

Online fresh food has also started a discount of 10 yuan and 30 cents to buy 30 eggs. You need to scan the QR code to place an order. First Sweep first served! There is also an event where new users will receive 5 eggs for free by scanning the code.

If I am busy and don’t have time, I will take the time to go online and use coupons to buy products and have them delivered directly to my home. But the pre mise is that if you want to make money, you need to determine which one is more expensive or cheaper on the platform or offline, and then choose to buy it.

Now, let me make a summary on how to harvest wool in a more cost-effective and efficient way:

Look for fresh food chain stores with a small area but a large proportion of fresh products

Although this type of store There are fewer varieties, but there are more opportunities for discounts. Of course, discounts are somewhat random and depend on products that cannot be sold on the first day or too many delivered on the same day. For example, one day I saw a lot of fish tails arriving in the supermarket, and they were selling them at a 40% discount on the day they arrived.

Pay attention to rapidly depre ciating fresh food

Many cold and fresh foods with a short shelf life, as well as fruits and vegetables, are a very heavy burden for small stores. If they cannot sell them, they will lose money. Therefore, the store manager Will tend to sell at a lower discount.

Choose a time point

Based on my experience, the best time point is the restocking time and evening. Because the delivery truck brings the products distributed from above, the store will definitely lack space to display them, so it will be discounted; in the evening, in order to avoid being unsold, the store will also give discounts to some products.

Okay, that’s enough for the topic of picking wool in the supermarket. Learning these tips can help you save a lot of money on fruits, meats, cooked foods, and pre pared dishes. Let me ask you, is this wool gauze worth it? !
