What are the functions and uses of billboards?


What are the functions and uses of billboards?
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-23 13:20:43


壹、What is the use of signboards
Advertising signboards can play a certain guiding role nowadays. Advertising signs are also a kind of display and promotion of the company's store. In the current economic market, they have become an indispensable resource, and the positive effect it brings to economic development cannot be ignored. The following is a brief introduction to the role of advertising signs by Menoxin:
1. Transmitting information and communicating production and demand
The most basic function of advertising is the cognitive function. Through advertising, it can help consumers know and understand the trademarks, performance, uses, usage and maintenance methods, purchase locations and methods, prices, etc. of various commodities, thereby transmitting information and communicating production and sales.
As the saying goes, good products require clever publicity. But in real life, there are still some companies that are not very clear about the role of advertising. They think that advertising is expensive and the gain outweighs the loss. Therefore, they would rather travel all over the world, train and ship, and work hard to sell their products everywhere than advertise. Practice has proved that advertising is one of the fastest, most economical and most effective means of conveying economic information. Good products are advertised with the help of modern scientific methods, and their effects are many times higher than human power.
2. Stimulate demand and increase sales
A good advertisement can induce consumers' interest and emotions, arouse consumers' desire to buy the product, and even promote consumers' purchasing actions. There was an example: a certain country's tobacco company sent a salesman to the Gulf tourist area to promote the company's "Crown Brand" cigarettes, but the cigarette market in the region had been occupied by other companies' brands, and the salesman was at a loss.
Inspired by the "No Smoking" sign by chance, he creatively made a number of large billboards with the words "No Smoking" written in large characters, an advertising link on the homepage of the website, and below it Add a line: "'Crown Brand' is no exception." As a result, the advertising sign greatly aroused the interest of tourists, who rushed to buy "Crown Brand" cigarettes, opening up sales for the company.
3. Promote competition and open up the market
Large-scale advertising is an important competitive strategy for enterprises. When a new product is launched on the market, if consumers do not understand its name, use, purchase location, and purchase method, it will be difficult to open up sales. Especially when market competition is fierce and product upgrading is greatly accelerated, companies use large-scale Large-scale advertising can make consumers attractive to the company's products, which is very beneficial to the company's market expansion.
Improving product visibility is one of the important aspects of corporate competition, and advertising is an indispensable weapon to increase product visibility. Smart entrepre neurs are always good at using advertising to improve the "reputation" of their companies and products, thereby increasing their "worth", promoting competition, and opening up markets.
4. Introduce knowledge and guide consumption
There are many categories of modern production and new products emerge in an endless stream. However, monthly sales are scattered and it is difficult for people to buy what they need in time. However, advertising can help by introducing product knowledge. to guide consumption.
