Where is the cheapest place to make billboards in Haikou?


Where is the cheapest place to make billboards in Haikou?
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-24 13:13:20


1、What new documents are there for outdoor advertising in Haikou? What does the Municipal Planning Bureau mean by one store, one move? .
The new file is nothing, the store name is displayed together with the store name. But in reality, in Shanghai, outdoor advertisements are larger or platforms, bus body advertisements are more formal, small businesses, supermarkets, and canteens are all random, and no one takes care of them. Today we sponsor beer, and tomorrow we sponsor liquor, both without licenses. But occasionally, industrial and commercial and urban management officials will see if there are any violations and whether they can impose a fine. For details, you can contact those advertising companies or some store owners who do advertising design. They are well aware of the market trends. There are a relatively large concentration of such stores on Longhua Road, Yilong Road, and across from the Nandaqiao Coconut Plaza.
