
⓵Do you install LED spotlights in your home? Installation and use of commonly used LED spotlights
LED spotlights are the most concerned energy-saving and environmentally friendly products at the moment. Compared with similar types of lamps, LED light sources are far superior in terms of lighting principles, energy saving, and environmental protection. Better than other traditional lighting fixtures. Therefore, many families will want to install LED spotlights. Next, Xiaoban will introduce to you the installation and use methods of commonly used LED spotlights.
1. Installation
Installation process: lamp stand→matching down conductor→lamp installation→line connection→light test
1. Light stand installation
Test the lamp according to the design requirements Mark the installation height on the pole. Hang the lamp holder and lamps on the pole, put on the hoops or bolts, find the illumination angle according to the design requirements, and after finding the flatness, tighten the lamp holder. The elevation angles of trembling beam lamps installed in rows should be consistent and arranged neatly.
2 Match the down conductor
Fix the pin insulator on the lamp stand, tie one end of the wire back to the insulator, and connect it to the lamp cap wire and fuse respectively. Rubber cloth and black tape are overlapped in half and wrapped one layer each. Then, tighten the other end of the wire and tie it back to the street light main wire for winding connection.
3. Lamp installation
The phase wire of the lamp should be equipped with a fuse, and the phase wire should be connected to the center terminal of the screw lamp holder, and the lamp should be installed.
4. Line connection
The connection point between the line connection line and the street light main line should be 400~600mm from the center of the pole, and both sides should be symmetrical. There should be no joints in the volley section of the down conductor, and the length should not exceed 4m. If it exceeds 4m, a fixed point should be installed or a steel pipe lead should be used. Where the wires enter and exit the lamp holder, the holes should be inserted into the soft plastic tube and waterproof bends should be made.
5. Test the lamp
After all installation work is completed, power on, test the lamp, and further adjust the illumination angle of the lamp.
a. Install transformer: Although spotlights save energy, have high brightness and strong decorative effect, they also have shortcomings, that is, the voltage is unstable and easy to explode. Therefore, when installing spotlights, a transformer must be installed to effectively pre vent explosions.
b. Do not install too many spotlights: When installing spotlights, you cannot blindly pursue the number of spotlights, which will cause light pollution. At the same time, placing too many spotlights can easily cause fire hazards.
2. Use
1. Public places
Can be used for lighting of single buildings, exterior walls of historical buildings, green landscape lighting, interior and exterior lighting of buildings, billboard lighting and other specialized facilities. , as well as atmosphere lighting in bars, dance halls and other entertainment venues.
2. Private place
It can be placed around the ceiling or on top of the furniture, or it can be placed in the wall, dado or skirting. The light directly shines on the household items that need to be emphasized, achieving an artistic effect of highlighted points and rich layers.
