Xinjiang Expressway Bridge Billboard Installation

⓵What materials are used for inkjet printing?

Inkjet printing supplies, mainly including ink and cloth base. Generally speaking, liquid ink is a special accessory for copying machines and cannot replace each other, while cloth base has nothing to do with the machine.

The principles of inkjet printers used are mainly dotted inkjet printing and mist inkjet printing. The difference in principle between the two leads to differences in picture effects. First of all, the outline of the picture produced by point-type inkjet printing is clear, especially when making lines and text. Secondly, mist inkjet makes the picture blurry and makes the color gray, while dot inkjet, although the color points are not soft when viewed at a close distance, the colors are bright and even have a certain three-dimensional effect when viewed from a distance.

In addition, during actual production and use, we found that customers think that the higher the resolution, the better. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. The choice of resolution should be determined by the screen size and actual installation. Too high a resolution The effect is not good when observed from a distance. According to experience, it is generally more appropriate to use 18-36dpi resolution.

Extended information

Color inkjet printing is a new technology and a rapidly developing technology. Post-production is an indispensable process in the inkjet printing industry, and it plays an important role in the success or failure of the entire work and quality assurance. A fast and exquisite post-production can not only make the work more beautiful, but also create greater economic benefits and corporate credibility for the company.

The concept of post-production is broad, and basically all the work after design and production belongs to post-production. For example: output, cutting, laminating, mounting, splicing, etc.

There are several issues that need to be noted in this process: First, inkjet printing is different from printing. The colors of inkjet printing are much brighter and more beautiful than printing. Inkjet printing is generally in CMYK mode. Inkjet printing images are often very large, and some flaws that are not easily noticeable on the printed matter will become obvious and exaggerated after enlargement and output, and this cannot be discovered through the sample.

Therefore, the spray-painted image must be enlarged to 100% and inspected carefully after completion. For pictures with a lot of text, you need to proofread them carefully. And because there are no ready-made color standards in inkjet printing output, you have to rely on experience to grasp the color deviation. This is the purpose of making samples.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Inkjet Printing
