
Catering advertising light box sign


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厍叔瑞 2024-09-21 07:43:22

本文目录一览How to design light box signs

When we walk in the streets and alleys of the city at night, we often see rows and rows of dazzling light boxes that catch our eyes. . It is an advertising product, and it also constitutes the urban landscape in a certain sense. So what kind of light box can attract our attention and achieve a satisfactory advertising effect? So the editor will analyze some relevant knowledge of light box design from a professional’s perspective!

The plane is appropriate

First of all, we need to design the plane of the light box. The advertisement of the light box usually achieves an advertising effect through the graphic design of some luminous bodies. In the graphic design of the light box, Graphics are a very important part of lightbox design. Most of the light boxes are placed outside the store, so like other outdoor advertisements, they can make us achieve a strong attention effect in an instant. Therefore, when we design the pictures and texts of the light boxes, we must pay attention to one thing. Visual impact without forgetting the truth. If the flat effect of the light box is too small, more content cannot be introduced. Then we require that the advertisements on the light box must be very concise and clear, so that people will feel very amazed after seeing it, and they will never forget it the second time they look back.

The picture is neat and tidy

The next step is the picture effect of the light box, because most of the pictures in the light box are made of some glass or some new materials. Therefore, we should not choose a variety of colors as a combination. If there are multiple colors, it will not only increase the production cost, but also affect the advertising effect, which will be counterproductive. We only need to choose one or two or three colors, and the picture of the light box must maintain a bright effect, which can attract people's eyeballs and provide visual stimulation, so that people can attract people to observe the advertisements on the light box.

Concise text

At the same time, in terms of advertising and design of light boxes, we generally do not use too much text, because firstly, too much text is difficult to design, and secondly, this is what people It’s not easy to remember after reading it, so we must remember that text is the soul of lightbox advertising. We must seize a good idea? Only by using a catchy slogan can our light box be remembered by people. And in terms of the shape design of characters, because there are many forms of Chinese characters in China, when we use characters, we must pay attention to keeping up with the trend of the times, making it look scientific and concise. At the same time, we must pay attention not to have typos, so even if it causes Onlookers, that is also a source of laughter.

The above is some relevant knowledge about light box design compiled by the editor. As a carrier of advertising, light boxes involve a lot of knowledge.

What are the better advertising light box brands and what are their advantages?

Preface: You can often see various light shows in cities, such as promotional posters or posters, which are usually made of advertising light boxes. Advertising light boxes come in large or small sizes and give people a strong visual effect, which is very suitable for the fast pace of modern society. Therefore, advertising light boxes are sought after by many people. The editor will share with you below, what are the better advertising light box brands?

1. Op Lighting

The brand Op Lighting often appears in our lives, and many of the lights used daily at home are manufactured by Op Lighting. At the same time, Opple Lighting is also on the list when it comes to meeting advertising lights. Opple Lighting is a well-known brand in Guangdong, China. It has made its fortune in producing three-color energy-saving lamps, as well as R&D, production and sales of LED and traditional light sources, lamps, ceilings and other high-tech products. Opple Lighting ranked first among the public's favorite lighting brands in a survey, so when you are choosing a brand of advertising light boxes, you can check out Opple Lighting.

2. Foshan Lighting

Many of them are from Guangdong, including Foshan Lighting. It is a large-scale backbone enterprise in the national electric light source industry and is far ahead in the country's electrical appliance and manufacturing industries. The quality of Foshan Lighting's lamps is very good, and the light source is more in line with human needs. In terms of advertising light boxes, the ones invented by Foshan Lighting are also liked by many people. Many people will choose to buy Foshan lighting products, so I think it can be used as a second choice.

3. Sanxiong Aurora

Sanxiong Aurora has been committed to the development and production of high-quality, high-end green energy-saving lighting products. From the first electronic ballast to the development of current high-energy, efficient and energy-saving products, it has been They all adhere to the original intention and bring good choices to the general public and friends. Sanxiong Aurora has been committed to building a leading brand in the industry. From its development to now, it has five major production bases and has become one of the most compre hensive industry brands in China.

What are the common classifications of advertising signs?
Advertising signs have a wide range of applications and are used in basically all walks of life. Advertising signs include large outdoor billboards, door advertising signs (store signs), column anti-aircraft guns, inkjet advertising, etc.
There are many types of advertising signs, basically three categories:
1. Flat signboards - including inkjet printing, engraving, hand-painting, etc.
2. Three-dimensional signboards - including engravings , metal letters, blister, etc.
3. Lighted signboards - including light boxes, neon lights, LEDs, etc.
What we use most now are spray-painted signs, LED luminous signboards, neon signboards, etc. .
Inkjet-painted signboards are very common. They are the earliest and most widely used type of signboards. Many large-scale signboards are made of inkjet-painted signboards because these signs are not only low in price but also have good advertising effects.
LED signboards with luminous characters are the fastest growing sign type in recent years. Shop signs and large outdoor rooftop billboards have begun to use LED luminous character signs, especially in large and medium-sized cities, with coverage reaching the level of signboard production. 80% of the types, LED luminous signboards have outstanding advantages: energy saving, environmental protection, durability, good advertising effect, windproof, waterproof and safe. LED luminous characters include: stainless steel luminous characters, resin luminous characters, acrylic luminous characters, blister luminous characters, light box luminous characters, etc. Recently, a new approach to signboards, led colorful screen signs, has become popular. With the improvement of people's living standards With the continuous improvement of aesthetic requirements, the development trend of LED colorful screen advertising signs has become inevitable.
Neon signs filled every street and alley five years ago. They were undoubtedly a symbol of prosperity and wealth. However, with the emergence and application of LED light sources, there is no longer any comparison between neon signs and LED luminous signboards. Any advantage, so neon lights have gradually been retired, and the neon era has begun to become history.