
Beijing car body advertising approval process


一、Is it illegal to put on car body advertising?

Car body advertising is illegal without approval and registration. It is legal only after registration and registration. However, no advertising can be pasted on the front, side and rear windshield of the car. , which can easily block the driver's line of sight and affect safe driving. During vehicle inspection, any advertisements pasted on the windshield will be required to be removed, otherwise the vehicle will not pass the inspection. Those who spray or paste advertisements on the car body must also go to the vehicle management department to change the appearance of the car body according to regulations.

The procedures for changing the appearance of a car body are as follows:

Publishing outdoor advertisements, including car body advertisements, must be approved by the industrial and commercial department and must be registered and filed. Car body advertisements that have not been approved and filed are illegal. The procedure for car owners to register car body advertisements with the industrial and commercial department is actually not complicated. Car owners only need to bring identification documents such as vehicle driving licenses and samples of car body advertisements to the industrial and commercial department for processing. After review, the advertising content does not violate the Advertising Law. According to regulations, the industrial and commercial department will issue an outdoor advertising registration certificate, and there is no charge for this procedure.

Putting a company phone number or LOGO on the car body is an advertisement. Since it is an advertisement, the urban management will have to take care of it. But in some places, the urban management will not care about it. In some places, the traffic police will investigate, and the industrial and commercial administration will have to check it. Check, so you need to go to these departments for approval before advertising.
Actually, there are no explicit regulations, but if you are found out, you will be fined. An honest person may be fined several thousand yuan, while a dishonest person may be fined only 200 yuan if he can bargain.
Oh, this is the way of the world. To put it bluntly, they just want money.
Before the advertisement in Shenzhen, it was said that it was a change of car body color, which had to be approved by the vehicle management office. A few days ago, the newspaper came out, and now the industry and commerce department also has to control it, and it also needs industrial and commercial approval. . .

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