Remove store electronic billboards

⒈Does the city management have control over billboards placed in front of stores?
The city management has the authority to control billboards placed in front of stores. If a billboard is placed at the entrance of a store and affects the city appearance, the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government or the unit entrusted by it shall order it to stop the illegal behavior, clean it up, dismantle it within a time limit, or take other remedial measures, and may impose a fine.
Chinese law stipulates that urban management and law enforcement personnel must hold certificates to work. The urban management law enforcement department shall regularly conduct training and assessment of law enforcement personnel. The competent department of urban management and law enforcement may assign urban management and law enforcement coordinators to cooperate with law enforcement personnel in assisting law enforcement. The legal consequences arising from the assisting management personnel's engagement in law enforcement assistance shall be borne by the city management and law enforcement authorities at the same level.
Legal Basis
Article 19 of the "Urban Management Law Enforcement Measures" Urban management law enforcement personnel carry out law enforcement activities in accordance with the law and facilitators carry out law enforcement assistance services in accordance with the law, and are protected by law.

⒉Does the urban management have the right to forcibly remove billboards?
The urban management has the right to forcibly remove billboards. The "Urban Management Law Enforcement Measures" stipulates that the scope of urban management law enforcement: 1. Housing and urban-rural construction fields: Laws, regulations and rules all administrative penalty powers. 2 Environmental protection management: noise pollution from social life, construction noise and dust pollution, oil smoke pollution from catering services, open-air barbecue pollution, smoke and odor pollution from burning asphalt and plastic waste, smoke pollution from open-air burning of straw and fallen leaves, and fireworks The right to impose administrative penalties for firecracker pollution, etc. 3. In terms of industrial and commercial administration: the right to impose administrative penalties for operating outdoor public places without a license or setting up outdoor advertisements in violation of regulations. 4. Traffic management: The right to impose administrative penalties for illegally parking motor vehicles on urban roads. 5. In terms of water management: administrative penalty rights for dumping waste and garbage into urban rivers, illegal soil extraction, demolition of illegal buildings in urban rivers, etc. 6. In terms of food and drug supervision: administrative penalties for food sales and catering stalls operating in outdoor public places without a license, illegal recycling and selling of drugs, etc.
Legal Basis
Article 14 of the "Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Regulations" Urban management law enforcement agencies perform administrative law enforcement duties in accordance with the law.
People's governments at all levels and urban management law enforcement agencies shall use law enforcement forces prudently and rationally, and shall not arrange law enforcement personnel to engage in work unrelated to urban management law enforcement.
Urban management administrative law enforcement work shall be carried out by qualified administrative law enforcement personnel of the urban management law enforcement agencies. Other organizations and individuals shall not be entrusted to carry out the work, and temporary staff shall not be arranged to engage in law enforcement work.
Article 15 Urban management law enforcement agencies collectively perform the following duties
(1) Exercise the power of administrative penalties stipulated in laws, regulations and rules regarding city appearance and environmental sanitation management;
(2) Exercise urban and rural planning management (3) Exercising the power of administrative punishment stipulated in laws, regulations, and rules on urban greening management; (4) Exercising the power of administrative punishment stipulated in laws, regulations, and rules on municipal management; The power of administrative punishment stipulated in the regulations;
(5) Exercising the power of administrative punishment stipulated in the laws, regulations and rules regarding public utilities;
(6) Exercising the power of administrative punishment stipulated in the laws, regulations and rules regarding scenic spots ;
(7) Exercise the power to instruct and punish unlicensed vendors as stipulated in the laws, regulations and rules on industrial and commercial administration;
(8) Exercise the laws, regulations, rules and regulations on public security traffic management and distribution The power of administrative punishment for encroachment on urban roads stipulated in the regulations;
(9) Local regulations of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, etc. clearly stipulate the power of administrative punishment to be exercised by the urban management and administrative law enforcement departments
