

2024-09-21 22:55:31 围观 : 5188 次



壹、What materials are generally used for elevator halls in hotel lobbies? ? ?
In order to highlight the lighting effect of the translucent marble on the wall, the elevator hall in the public area on the first floor uses dark marble for the floor. Due to the high height of the floor, the top surface is made of marble that echoes the wall. In addition to the lighting effect of the light trough, a row of hanging marble lamp posts is also designed. The reflection on the ground has a special effect of candlelight. The elevator hall effect in the hotel lobby in the public areas of 7F, 8F, 9F and 10F continues the basic effect of the 1F elevator hall but has slight changes on the top surface. Compared with the elevator hall on the guest room standard floor above, it has a completely different effect. , first of all, functionally it serves the lobby, so the floor height is higher than the standard floor upstairs. The floor continues the dark marble on the lobby floor, and the side facing the elevator adopts a translucent marble effect, and the lighting is soft, generous and modern. The corresponding light trough on the top surface perfectly blends the light on the wall panel and the light on the top surface into a whole. In order to highlight the theme, the opposite wall adopts a rough stone effect, and is layered from bottom to top. Techniques and lighting make the wall rich and layered. The walls of the elevator halls on the standard floors of guest rooms from the 11th to 62nd floors are made of white sand, beige and ebony. The ceiling elements are taken from the staggered shape of reed stalks, which is similar to the light box above the lobby service desk. The same elements are also used on the floor of the elevator hall. The combination of dark brown mesh pattern and light urban beige creates a layered effect, echoing each other from top to bottom. Since the space is relatively long and narrow, mirrors are embedded in the walls on both sides to create a more spacious experience visually. The most special thing is the design of the indicator light next to the elevator, which is also the characteristic of the indicator light in the entire hotel elevator hall. There is an LED light on the upper and lower parts of the light trough. The glass inside the light trough is arranged in staggered layers, and the lights The effect is very soft and changes color as the elevator opens and closes.
The above are some of our experiences and understanding of the original design during the in-depth design of the Royal Méridien Hotel in Shanghai Shimao International Plaza, as well as the analysis of the on-site effects after the completion of the construction, for sharing with peers in the industry.




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