High-end billboard for mobile phone store

⓵How to promote mobile phone store business
1. Store design. The logo should be prominent. At the same time, a publicity board and product display stand should be designed at the entrance of the store to be seen by consumers passing by and attract consumers' attention. Creative settings, new product displays, etc. can be used to increase consumers' desire to buy.
2. Offline publicity. Promote it by handing out flyers, posting advertisements, and holding activities. Advertisements and slogans are played in front of the store. Employees can take to the streets to hand out leaflets, hold up billboards, and use promotional vehicles to travel around the streets to promote the company.
3. Online promotion. Promote through TV advertisements, Moments, public accounts, Weibo, etc. You can also promote through new media methods such as online live broadcasts and short videos. Make full use of the advantages of new online media to achieve the purpose of publicity.
4. Festival activities. You can use some holidays to hold activities, give gifts in stores, discounts and other forms to attract consumers. You can hold small cultural activities, singing, dancing, on-site lottery and other activities to achieve the purpose of publicity.
5. Celebrity effect. You can invite some celebrities and Internet celebrities to promote your mobile phone store through celebrity effect. You can give away relevant items, small gifts, etc. to attract consumers. Invite celebrities to stand, give speeches, promote etc.
6. Event sponsorship. You can participate in various activities, various competitions, various artistic performances, attend events as a sponsor, and achieve publicity effects through event sponsors.
