Side sign advertising light box manufacturer quotation

2024-09-24 18:51:05

I、How much does it cost to make a light box? Examples of production processes

Whether it is our common bus stop signs or billboards in some subway stations, they generally use the raw material of light boxes. On the one hand, they are named so. It's because they have lighting tools inside, and on the other hand, it's because they use light box cloth, which is a new type of promotional material with good color rendering ability, corrosion resistance, and reliability. But how much does it cost to make this kind of light box? Or What is the approximate cost and expense we have invested in this? Interested friends can refer to the following to learn more.


1. How much does it cost to make a light box?

The regular size of a fabric light box is 450-500 yuan per square meter. It also depends on the According to the specific requirements, the Tianlang logo uses a 9060 aluminum profile frame, a high-brightness LED light strip as the light source, and a high-definition inkjet printing cloth as the picture, and the price is about the same.

(Price source from the Internet, for reference only)


2. Light box production process

Suction The production of plastic light boxes requires mastering four key points and going through more than a dozen processes:

The first is material selection. At pre sent, the plates seen in China are basically imported or produced by foreign joint ventures, and the quality of the plates should be said to be relatively good. The reason why the market price of blister light boxes is high is that the high price of plates is one of the main factors. At pre sent, the unit price of plates on the market is generally 20-25 yuan/kg. Not only is the unit price high, but the utilization rate of the entire plate during the production process is also low, resulting in high cost amortization.


The second is mold making. As we all know, force plates are formed through vacuum positioning and suction pre ssure. Even the same character with different sizes requires different molds, and the mold production itself requires high pre cision and high quality. Because the accuracy and quality of the mold itself are directly related to the quality of the product, and mold production requires a high level of craftsmanship and requires experienced technical personnel. Therefore, as mentioned before, blister light boxes on the market have always been at a high price, and mold processing should be said to be the most important technology.

The third is post-production. As mentioned before, blister production is now basically mechanized production. The application of some new equipment has greatly reduced the labor intensity of workers while improving production efficiency. After the blister material is basically formed, it needs to go through several processes such as edge milling, engraving, and polishing. Finally, the light box is laid with a light source, and the production is completed after baking.

The fourth is picture processing. According to the different needs of customers, the screen printing is directly transferred to the plate, and then vacuum-pre ssed to form. There are characters, animals or product images in the screen, and it can also be blistered into a three-dimensional effect, so as to get a better publicity effect.


Generally speaking, outdoor billboards use light boxes similar to those mentioned above. This kind of raw material not only has very good performance, but also There is basically no error or color difference. On the other hand, it can provide flexible choices according to size specifications and is easy to install and disassemble. Including some bus stations and both ends of the railway, this kind of promotional light box material is used, and according to the above According to the article, we can know that the installation and production costs of light boxes should be studied based on materials and dimensions. We have given an approximate number for consumers to refer to.

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