Cleaning up billboards on both sides of the highway

本文目录一览What approval procedures are required for a private individual to build a single-column double-sided billboard on private land next to the highway? Which department should I contact?
Private construction of single-column and double-sided billboards on private land next to the highway requires the following approval procedures:
1. The applicant submits a written application.
2. Provide the unit’s business qualification certificate and formal approval documents from the unit, advertising company, and urban construction department.
3. The leader of the brigade traffic police in charge signed the opinion.
4. The order chief signs the opinion.
5. The internal affairs department of the order department will stamp the comments with the official seal.
Go to the Traffic Police Brigade Order Section of the Public Security Bureau for approval.
Things to note are as follows:
1. Billboards need to be built by a specialized construction unit or advertising company, and the construction unit or advertising company must have a professional qualification certificate.
2. The gantry or billboard installed must meet the needs of road traffic safety.

Are there any national regulations regarding placing billboards on both sides of the road?

"China Highway Law"

Article 54 No unit or individual may operate within the scope of highway land without the approval of the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. Install signs other than highway signs.

Article 56 Except for those required for highway protection and maintenance, it is prohibited to construct buildings and ground structures in the construction control areas on both sides of the highway; pipelines, cables and other facilities need to be buried in the construction control areas If necessary, it must be approved in advance by the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level.

The scope of the construction control area stipulated in the pre ceding paragraph shall be delimited by the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the principles of ensuring the safety of highway operations and saving land use, and in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.

After the scope of the construction control area is demarcated by the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the provisions of the pre ceding paragraph, the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall set up stakes and boundary stakes. No unit or individual may damage or move the stakes or boundary stakes without authorization.

Extended information

"China Highway Law"

Article 79 Violates the provisions of Article 54 of this Law and establishes a highway within the scope of highway land For signs other than signs, the competent transportation department shall order them to be removed within a time limit and may impose a fine of not more than 20,000 yuan; if they are not removed within the time limit, the competent transportation departments shall dismantle them, and the relevant costs shall be borne by the installer.

Article 81 Anyone who violates the provisions of Article 56 of this Law by constructing buildings or ground structures within the highway construction control area or burying pipelines, cables and other facilities without authorization shall be ordered to do so by the competent transportation department within a time limit. demolition, and a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan may be imposed. If it is not demolished within the time limit, it will be demolished by the transportation department, and the relevant costs will be borne by the builder and constructor.

Reference: Wuyishan Municipal People's Government-"Highway Law of the People's Republic of China"

Which department is responsible for the management of large billboards on highways

Besides highways are managed by highway law enforcement brigade, cities are managed by urban management bureaus, and towns are managed by township construction offices

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