Hot pot restaurant LED billboard contact information

⑴What should I do if the hot pot restaurant has no business? How to stay in business.
1. Personnel interception
When you walk out of a hot pot restaurant, "selling" becomes "marketing". As long as we go out to the floors, shopping malls, parking lots and even communities around hot pot restaurants, our chances will be greater. When a waiter intercepts a customer, it mainly includes three key points: positioning, speaking skills, and system.
①Choose the best position:
The most important point for an interceptor is position. Generally speaking, the following four points are very important: first, stand at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant; second, compare the flow of people The large aisle; the third is the corresponding elevator exit; the fourth is the entrance to the store with the most traffic.
②Unified interception techniques:
That is, when customers say anything, each hot pot restaurant can refine the latest selling points of the hot pot restaurant based on its own specific conditions and design a unified interception technique.
2. Atmosphere interception
The most important thing in a hot pot restaurant is the aura. Where does the aura come from? Hot-selling atmosphere creation, special materials, strong colors, unique products. Use these methods to attract customers' curiosity, guide customers to make associations, and ultimately allow customers to approach and understand your store.
There are three very important elements in creating an atmosphere: first, it should be eye-catching, with bright and eye-catching colors; second, it should block the eyes, and there should be piles of materials and gifts where the eyes see; third, it should be eye-catching, and the color should be eye-catching. Competitors are anxious and make arrangements for competitors.
10 ways to create an atmosphere: floor stickers; hanging flags; roll-up banners and Waiting for spotlights; music.
3. Product interception
Product interception means making full use of people's curiosity and novelty-seeking psychology, displaying unique selling points of products at the entrance of the store to attract customers into the store and make the products move and come alive.
For example, pictures of strong and elastic hairy belly are played in turn on the display screen at the door to attract people passing by. These methods have only one purpose, which is to make the product move and attract people through its unique selling points.
Finally, by integrating the above tricks into Internet food platforms, self-media platforms, and social platforms, and promoting hot pot restaurant features, hot pot restaurant promotions, and hot pot restaurant culture on the Internet, there may be good results. of results.
