How to make an indoor billboard for a car wash shop

本文目录一览壹、How to write billboards that use irregular words?

In front of the hotel: "copy" the meal

In front of the car repair shop: "push" the tire to repair the tire

The entrance of a retail store: "other" sales

The entrance of a furniture store: "home"

The entrance of a decoration store: "huang"

Lost property advertisement: "Enlightenment" for lost property

At the door of the installation company: "Press" to install

At the door of the car wash shop: Car wash and pre ss "La"

In front of the hotel: "He" rice

In front of the fruit shop: "Bo" radish

Restaurant menu: Chicken "Dan"

Hardware store sign: "扦" seat

Sporting goods store sign: "LAN" ball

In front of the fast food restaurant: the "bar"

The farmer's market sign: "Tomato"

The parking lot sign : "Ding" car charges

Crack down on propaganda slogans: Strictly crack down on "li"

An airport banner: "Young"
< /p>

A certain traffic slogan: Overloading and overloading are "extremely" harmful

A certain canteen's menu: Fish "Garden"

Deliberately misspelled (typos in quotation marks):

Pharmaceutical advertising: "cough" cannot be delayed

Mountain bike advertising: "riding" is endless fun

Supplement advertising: "Turtle" is fine

Glasses advertising: A "bright" is astonishing

Drive Mosquito device advertising: there is no "mosquito"

Transparent tape advertising: there is no substitute for "belt"

Internet cafe advertising: one "net" is deeply loved

Piano advertisement: You have a special liking for "qin", and you fall in love with "qin" at first sight

Water heater advertisement: "Bath" according to your heart

Air conditioner advertisement: no sweat for life

Clothing store advertisement: "clothes and hats" are chosen by people

A certain laundry Advertisement: "Yiyi" is not parted

A real estate company's advertisement: Ten thousand "rooms" are ready

A certain cake advertisement: "cake" every step of the way liter

Stomach medicine advertisement: One "no" reaches the "stomach"

Horse racing advertisement: Enjoy "riding"

Electric iron advertisement: Bai "Yi" Bai Shun

Fast food restaurant advertisement: "Burning" is better

Washing machine advertisement: " "Leisure" wife and good mother

Hat company advertisement: Use "hat" to choose people

Advertisement for curing stone disease: Big "stone" turns into small, small " "Stone"

Printer Advertisement: One "key" is worse than a hundred stories

Paint Advertisement: The Paint of Lust

Refrigerator Advertisement: Refrigeration Fresh

Hemorrhoids Medicine Advertisement: No need to worry if you have hemorrhoids

Garden Apartment Advertisement: Stay safe with your apartment

Dancing Machine Advertisement: Dance after hearing the word "machine"

Seafood Advertisement: Take the "fresh" step forward

Dental Clinic Advertisement: "Quickly cure" the population

Gift shop advertisement: "Etiquette" is of course

贰、Store poster design template-How to make store posters and promotional pictures?
Car wash shop classic promotional poster design template

There are more and more car wash shops now, so how do they design promotional ads? Posters are more attractive to customers? Below is a classic car wash poster design template that I compiled for you. I hope you will like it!

Car wash classic poster design template

Car wash shop classic advertising poster design template

Car wash and beauty shop slogan

1. Travel around the world and enjoy the comfort of a first-class car cafe!

2. Together with your car, you can enjoy light luxury and have a car cafe to satisfy your pursuit of your car.

3. Light luxury taste, follow your heart - Yipin Car Cafe.

4. Just to understand you - Yipin Car Cafe!

5. Yipin Car Cafe, enjoy a light and luxurious life with your car.

6. Yipin Car Cafe allows me and my car to enjoy life.

7. When car love meets leisure, light luxury is in the first class!

8. Light luxury and leisure are in the first class, car and coffee.

9. Not only light luxury, but also service-Yipin Car Cafe.

10. Wash away the dust all the way, and promise that you will never regret the love of your life.

11. A piece of light luxury, encounter a morning dew like a spring breeze.

12. Indulge in light luxury and enjoy taste - Yipin Car Café!

13. Yipin Car Café, full of luxury.

14. Although it is easy to buy a car, it is not easy to own a car, and it is a luxury.

15. Three points of leisure, seven points of maintenance, car maintenance experts from XX.

16. Enjoy light luxury and show your taste - Yipin Car Cafe!

17. Yipin Auto Cafe, Yipin Service!

18. Either at Yipincheca or on the road to Yipincheca.

19. A light and luxurious life, wash away the mundane world!

20. Let your car be 20 this year and 18 next year!

21. Yipin Car Cafe, Just wanted to share it with you.

22. A taste of cars and coffee is more than just luxury.

23. Natural confidence and indescribable happiness.

How to make store event promotion posters

How to make store event promotion posters? Through the above content, everyone should already know how to design event promotion posters There are some issues that need to be paid attention to during the process. If you have so many questions, you can publish your event poster on to let more people know that there are many issues and aspects that need to be paid attention to when designing event posters. If you need more activities and commercial activities, you can publish your event posters on to let more people know that there are many issues and aspects that need to be paid attention to when designing event posters. The above are the requirements for the store event poster design that the editor wants to introduce to you today. I hope it can help you. The above are the stores we want to introduce to you today. 1. It must conform to the characteristics of the target population and be able to stimulate and eliminate emotions. Because of public consensus, this store brand has a certain standard. 2. It must have a certain meaning. When designing a store, if you want.

How to make store posters and promotional images?

You need to use drawing software, such as the professional drawing software Photoshop, you can also use Meitu Xiuxiu, Light and Shadow Magic Hand and other software, which includes making posters template.

叁、Help design the content on the car wash shop billboard
Design the content on the car wash shop billboard as follows:
Learn you from a car. Don’t let your car affect your image. ;
Focus on quality and appearance of the car;
People rely on clothes to dress their cars and care for them;
Let your car reflect your taste and habits;
Let your car add points to your life ;
Don’t show luxury, just be clean;
Don’t let your car become a big face;
Don’t forget to give your car a beauty treatment;
Design Precautions for car wash shop billboards:
First: Pay attention to the use of color. Observe the colors of famous cars that people who know cars like, and use them well on billboards to attract car washers;
Second: Give a good title. A good title can be eye-catching and attract riders to visit;
Third: Overall application. Speaking of the overall, it means the color, position, brightness and amount of the color. The other issues include text fonts, colors, and the ratio between the font position and the entire billboard. How can the combination of beauty and visual impact be just right for people's eyes? Generally, the golden ratio is used.
