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Convenience store entrance glass billboard

凌仲荷2024-09-25 00:01:09威海广告网百科5154
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Convenience store entrance glass billboard的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
⓵How to make a convenience store sign
Convenience stores are generally small in scale, and their stores are generally located in residential areas, small streets and other places close to where people live. If the convenience store door sign wants to make people notice its existence faster in narrow streets and dense stores, then the convenience store door sign must highlight its personality in design and material selection. Huizhou Guangmei Sign recommends that you choose blister Light box door sign.
1. Consider both day and night advertising effects
Convenience stores are generally open until early in the morning, and some are even open 24 hours a day, such as Meiyijia, 711, and FamilyMart stores. How can you make your convenience store front door have a good advertising effect at night? The appearance of the door head of the LED blister light box has a strong three-dimensional effect. The color of the acrylic blister panel is bright and smooth, and the light transmittance of acrylic reaches 92%. The smooth and bright blister panel is illuminated by high-brightness LED modules, making the entire convenience store entrance extremely eye-catching in a dark environment.
2. It must have certain weather resistance and mechanical properties
Convenience store fronts are mostly located outdoors and have been exposed to wind and sun for a long time. Whether the durability of the advertising effect of convenience store fronts can be ensured depends on the selection of production materials. Especially important. The acrylic material used in the blister light box convenience store door sign is cold-resistant and sun-resistant, and can withstand the test of sun and rain without being prone to hydrolysis and yellowing; the acrylic board also has extremely strong impact resistance, and its impact resistance The strength is ten times that of ordinary glass, so there is no need to worry about the panel breaking even if it is hit by hail or heavy rain.
Some convenience store door signs simply use a piece of spray-painted canvas as a sign, which greatly reduces the exposure of the store and pre vents people from noticing the existence of the convenience store. The three-dimensional appearance and unique material properties of the blister light box door head, as well as the high-brightness LED light source, will surely make your convenience store door head quickly catch the eye of the mobile crowd. Therefore, Guangmei Sign strongly recommends that you use it. Acrylic blister light box door head.