Breakfast floor-to-ceiling billboard template

本文目录一览壹、How to match the color of breakfast shop signboard to look good?
Breakfast shop signboard looks good with red color.
If you want your advertising sign to be eye-catching, there should be a sharp contrast between the background color and the font color, so that the fonts on your advertising sign can be highlighted, such as a pure red background and pure white fonts. It will be very conspicuous. Many well-known brands use red and white. For example, the signboard of Deyou Real Estate has a red background with white characters. It looks very conspicuous, enthusiastic and festive no matter day or night. For another example, the Huawei logo uses a combination of red and white.

贰、Do breakfast shop billboards need to install flash lights?
Based on personal experience and common sense, breakfast shop billboards generally do not need to install flash lights.

Breakfast shop billboards are usually used to promote the breakfast menu or special breakfast in the store, with the purpose of attracting customers to come into the store for consumption. Billboards generally feature bright colors, attractive designs, and clear fonts to attract the attention of passersby.

Flash is generally used for shooting in dark environments. Its function is to provide light for photos to make them brighter. The main function of breakfast shop billboards is that the advertising effect is better during the day because there is sufficient light. At night, businesses generally use other lighting equipment, such as neon lights, floodlights, etc., to highlight the advertising effect.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, breakfast shop billboards do not need to install flash lights. Of course, this also depends on the specific situation and actual needs, such as whether the location of the billboard has sufficient light, whether night lighting is needed, etc. Merchants can make choices based on actual conditions.

叁、Simple breakfast advertising slogans
Attractive advertising slogans are: bai
1. Jing Tao’s creativity leads to the wave of life!
2. Enter culture and plan new life.
3. The key to heaven’s movement is that a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement.
4. Wen Tao and military strategy can control people thousands of miles away.
5. Only we can interfere with everyone’s thoughts.
6. Wherever there is a cold winter, someone will light a fire.
Extended information:
1. Brand slogans are generally concise, short, and concise, and the number of words is controlled within About 7 to 10 words, the appeal direction focuses on the brand’s proposition, commitment or benefits to consumers. Learn more about the characteristics of the product itself and summarize the information it wants to convey.
2. Learn to think wildly, to have unconstrained imagination, to have raunchy daydreams, fantasies or images, and to train your imagination ability. Bundle products with life, learn to experience, and know how to observe life. Advertising is also an extension of life in the commercial field. To be memorable in an advertisement, there is a special place, a particularly important sentence or phrase. A good slogan not only conveys the uniqueness of the product to consumers.
