Agency rental billboard

本文目录一览壹、I am a college student and I want to work part-time. What type of part-time job can I do?

College students are an adult group in society, but they lack social experience and do not have corresponding diplomas. Therefore, to a certain extent, they will be greatly affected when engaging in some occupations. There are restrictions, but there are many part-time jobs for college students, such as working in the education industry or the service industry. At the same time, many people are engaged in some self-employment projects. These are good part-time opportunities, not only can they get some financial returns, It can also enrich your social experience.

First of all, what I recommend to you are some guaranteed part-time jobs, industries that can protect your own interests without too much risk. For example, you can engage in the tutoring industry. Tutoring is relatively not difficult for college students, and the profits are still very large. Today, tutoring basically costs tens to hundreds of yuan per hour. For a tutor, For college students, if they can make full use of their time on Saturdays and Sundays to tutor, a week's living expenses are basically enough. If you don’t want to engage in an industry like tutoring, there are still many simple jobs, such as handing out some flyers. Although it seems more difficult, it does not require any technical content. As long as you want to do it, you can definitely do it well. of.

There are also some entrepre neurial part-time jobs, such as opening an online store or doing micro-business. We will find that there are many such people around us. We often Seeing that there are products of this or that kind in your circle of friends, these are basically small businesses that don’t even cost money. College students only act as a salesperson and get some profits from them. Although there are certain part-time jobs like this, It is risky, but for college students, you can really learn a lot of social knowledge from it, so that you can integrate into society better and faster in the future.

When college students work part-time, they must first ensure their own safety, and then not only gain monetary benefits from it, but also increase their social experience.

贰、How to publish a house for rent
First, post a rental advertisement, which mainly describes the specific information of the house, including location, contact number, etc. Secondly, the housing information is rented through some channels of renting houses. It can be promoted through community billboards, through intermediary companies, through special websites, and at the same time, it can also be published in WeChat Moments. The release of channels is more effective in helping more people see house information and rent it out better.

叁、How much does it cost to rent an advertising space?

The forms of outdoor advertising media are different and vary from place to place. The location of billboards should be based on the local economy. location. Come and see. The prices are all set by oneself.

An advertising company refers to an enterprise that specializes in advertising business activities and is the common name of "Advertising Agency".

With the development of the newspaper communication industry, early forms of advertising companies appeared in Europe and the United States.

In the United States, Volney B. Palmer first solicited advertisements for newspapers and opened an advertising company in Philadelphia in 1841.

In many writings, Palmer's newspaper advertising agency is regarded as the world's first advertising agency. In 1845 and 1847, Palmer opened companies in Boston and New York. Not only was he an intermediary in the newspaper and advertising industry, he often wrote copywriting for clients and took a 25% commission from the newspaper (later gradually reduced to 15%).

In his own advertising agency activities, George P. RoWell purchased a large amount of space from newspapers and magazines, and then sold it at a slightly higher price His advertising campaigns were very popular with publishers at the time. In 1888, Lowell founded the first professional advertising magazine in the United States, Printers Ink.

As an advertising agency in the modern sense, N.W. Ayer & Son Advertising (N.W. Ayer & Son) appeared in Philadelphia, USA in 1869.

F. Wayland Ayer, who was only 20 years old at the time, borrowed US$250 from his father to start an advertising company. Because he was afraid that others would think he was young and untrustworthy, he typed In his father's name, Iyer & Sons Advertising Agency.

At first, Ayer was also in the intermediary business. Around 1890, he designed a public advertising rate, telling customers his bottom line for purchasing space and the conversion price including his own commission. He provides clients with a variety of services including designing, writing copy, advising and arranging appropriate media. Therefore, Ayer Advertising Agency is called "the forerunner of modern advertising agencies" by advertising historians.

Advertising that appeared at the end of the 19th century was mostly printed advertisements using newspapers and magazines as media. There are two characteristics of advertising.

First, advertising works are mainly text-based and supplemented by illustrations. Many people even oppose the use of illustrations.

Second, advertising works in Britain and the United States show the creative tendency of “art for art’s sake”. Ballad advertisements are widely popular, and rhetorical flourishes are commonplace, and advertising texts are regarded as sub-literary works.
