Billboard with red background and purple

本文目录一览I、Please tell me how to match the color of the company name billboard, thank you

Personally, I think that the black chassis and red font are the most eye-catching and the most common.

I personally think that if it is a clothing company, and considering the needs of personality and brand promotion, you can also choose a darker and more elegant color, which will be more tasteful, such as gold with black characters or silver with black characters. , of course, if it is a purple base with dark gray characters, it is also a bold and elegant choice, which should be more suitable for the positioning of a clothing company.

Because the building is a combination of light yellow and white, it is not recommended to use characters of the same color, otherwise they will be unclear. Therefore, the good-looking gold characters cannot be used, and although the silver characters are reflective, the color is too bright. Elements are often not clearly visible. So these two colors are most suitable for base colors. The more prominent the color of the words, the better, so red, black, dark gray, and dark brown look very good. As for the chassis, it is recommended that the metal chassis be strong and textured, it looks stylish and fashionable, and there are many colors to choose from.

II、What materials are needed to make luminous billboards?
1. Raw material, ethanol, with a content of more than 95%; solid matter, the formula is as follows, yellow luminous paint is 5% barium sulfide Fifteen, magnesium sulfide 40%, aluminum phosphate 2%, potassium nitrate 3%. Purple luminous paint is composed of 63% calcium sulfide, 26% magnesium sulfide, 10% sodium sulfide, and 1% indium nitrate. The red luminous paint is 55% barium sulfide, 40% magnesium sulfide, 3% copper nitrate, and 2% potassium phosphate. Green luminous paint is composed of 55% calcium sulfide, 3% nitric acid, 12% barium sulfate, 10% sodium sulfate, and 10% potassium nitrate;
2. Water-based pigments, Color paste and advertising pigments are mixed at a weight ratio of 2:1;
3. Fluidize the solid into liquefied ethanol. The weight ratio of solid to liquid ethanol is 29.5:100;< 4. First put the above pre pared mixture of solid and liquid ethanol into a covered crucible, then heat it for 80 minutes, cool it, grind it into powder, soak it in water to remove the scum, and then dry it. That is, the luminescent material is made;
5. Prepare the pigment for luminous characters. Put the luminescent material into the water-based pigment, stir evenly, and the pigment for luminous characters is ready.

III、What background color is the most conspicuous for inkjet advertisements?
Billboards with red backgrounds and yellow and white characters are more conspicuous. Most billboards have red backgrounds with characters in two colors.
1. Yellow, pre ferably golden, looks grand and prominent.
2. White, white may be more conspicuous than yellow.
3. Advertising is made to be eye-catching. People will remember it after one glance. By observing it at any time, you can understand which color combinations can achieve the best effect. Generally speaking, red goes with yellow, red goes with white.
Extended information:
The specifications of advertisements are different in each community. Neither the industrial and commercial administration nor the urban management have made regulations. The specifics depend on the external structure of the house.
Billboards have two functions in production operations: to instruct the production process to manufacture products, and to instruct material operators to move products. The former is called producing billboards (or manufacturing billboards), and the latter is called picking up billboards (or extracting billboards). The production billboard informs the upstream process of the product type and quantity required by the downstream process. In the simplest case, for example, the upstream process pre pares a production billboard corresponding to "a box of parts" in advance, and places it in the stock supermarket at the same time as a box of parts. When a box of parts is picked up, the billboard is used to start production. Some signal billboards are triangular in shape, so they are also called triangular billboards.
Extract billboards and transport parts to downstream processes. There are usually two forms: internal billboards and supplier billboards. In the beginning, cards were widely used in both forms in the urban area of ​​Toyota. However, when lean production was widely used, suppliers farther away from factories switched to electronic billboards. To create a pull system, both production and extraction billboards must be used: in the downstream process, when the operator removes the first product from the bin, he takes an extraction billboard and places it on a Inside the billboard box. When the handler returns to the inventory supermarket upstream of the value stream, he puts the extracted billboard into another billboard box, instructing the upstream process to produce another box of parts. Only when "if you can't see the billboard, you won't produce or transport the product", is it a real pull-key system.
