Nice billboard light box

What are the common forms of outdoor advertising?

Outdoor advertising (outdoor advertising), generally advertising set up outdoors is called outdoor advertising. Common outdoor advertising include: roadside billboards, high pillar billboards (commonly known as anti-aircraft guns), light boxes, neon billboards, LED billboards, etc. Now there are even advanced outdoor advertising forms such as air balloons and airships. Outdoor advertising production has developed in the past two or three years. Nowadays, many advertising companies are paying more and more attention to the realization of creativity and design effects of outdoor advertising. All walks of life are eager to quickly enhance their corporate image and spre ad business information. Governments at all levels also hope to establish a city image and beautify the city through outdoor LED billboard advertising. These provide huge market opportunities for outdoor advertising production, and therefore put forward higher requirements. In a modern society with the rapid development of science and technology, outdoor advertising also uses many new materials, new technologies, and new equipment, and has become a kind of art that beautifies the city and is one of the signs of the city's economic development. The types of outdoor advertising installations can be divided into two categories. Self-designed outdoor advertising refers to the use of signs, light boxes, neon monograms, etc. as media forms, registered at the company's registered address, and using owned or leased buildings. , structures and other positions, the names (including logos, etc.) of enterprises, institutions, individual industrial and commercial households or other social groups. Commercial outdoor advertising refers to the use of light boxes, neon lights, electronic display devices, display boards, etc. on urban roads, highways, railway sides, ground parts of urban rail transit lines, river and lake management areas and squares, buildings and structures. Vector form and commercial advertising set on vehicles.

