
How to join the Luzhou Golden Beetle Franchise
1: Questions and Answers about the Golden Beetle Franchise
A. What is the difference between the Golden Beetle Franchise and other franchises?
Answer: Golden Beetle is famous for selling authentic products. After years of business development, it has a good reputation in the region. It has always been mainly direct sales, supplemented by franchises. We are very cautious in selecting franchise partners, and usually only choose those who have integrity, can identify with the company's business model, and can focus on long-term interests. Once you join Golden Beetle, as long as the franchisee can operate according to the company's requirements, the company will provide real support in terms of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. The company will work hard with the franchisees to do a good job in the market in which they are located, so that franchisees can make money. Achieve healthy and stable expansion and ultimately achieve a win-win situation. Therefore, joining Golden Beetle can give you the greatest chance of success with the minimum risk, rather than individual franchises that only focus on rapid expansion or "making money" and cannot fulfill their promises after joining.
B. Question: What support does Golden Beetle provide to franchisees?
(1) Assist in market research and store selection;
(2) Decoration design, guidance or help organize construction;
(3) Assist in recruiting, training employees and management personnel;
(4) Assist and guide the selection of outdoor advertising spaces, advertising design and production;
(5) Organize opening activities: plan event content, distribute goods, decorate stores, provide event gifts and personnel support;
( 6) Support for store construction and decoration: building a second store will provide certain cash support for store construction and decoration;
(7) Advertising support: investing in outdoor advertising in accordance with regulations will provide certain cash support;
(8) Loss Subsidy: If the franchisee operates according to the company's requirements and suffers losses in the early stage, the company will provide cash subsidies within a certain period of time
(9) In addition to financial independence, other management is the same as the company's direct stores, including: promotional activities, business management , employee training, etc.
C. Question: How long will it take to recover the investment? Is the risk high?
Answer: Any investment will have risks. It’s just that the gold beetles might be smaller. At pre sent, more than 90% of the stores opened by Golden Beetle are profitable, and only a few markets have potential losses or remain flat. Due to different markets, the variables are larger. Cosmetics are a special consumer product, unlike clothing, footwear and other products that are very intuitive. Consumers are more cautious in recognizing and recognizing new cosmetics stores. However, once consumers recognize and the market opens, sales profits will grow steadily, allowing investors to gain long-term benefits. Stable returns, because the threshold is the same for us and our competitors, and it will be equally or more difficult for new competitors to enter. If you are a person who pays attention to long-term interests, joining Golden Beetle is a good choice.
D. Question: How to purchase goods?
Answer: Gold Beetle developed by insisting on selling authentic goods, so the procurement management of goods is very strict. All the goods of franchisees must be uniformly distributed by Gold Beetle to pre vent the sale of fake goods to Gold Beetle and others. Franchisees have a negative impact.
E. Question: Can goods that are not easy to sell be exchanged?
Answer: As long as the purchase time does not exceed three months, the product shelf life is greater than 15 months, and the packaging is intact, you can exchange it for other products. The shelf life of products is generally three years, the seasonality is not very strong, and the replenishment volume at one time is not large. After operating for a certain period of time, people generally have corresponding experience, and when and what goods are best sold are very regular (the difference from year to year is not very big) (large), there won’t be a lot of backlog of goods.
F. Question: What should I do if I don’t want to do it?
Answer: Whoever invests benefits and bears the risk. You have all the responsibilities, rights, benefits, and risks, which is fair. In principle, Goldbug does not make any commitments, but if cooperation is good, the company may consider taking back goods that meet the requirements or negotiate other ways of receiving them. By the way, Golden Beetle has only closed 2 stores in the markets it has entered.
Two: Franchise scope
Some third-tier markets in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing and individual towns with large populations
Three: Franchise conditions
A. Have a store with a bay of more than 7 meters and an area of ​​80-200 square meters at the commercial golden port in the franchise area. The store is transparent and has no partition walls.
B. Agree with the company’s business model and must have full-time management personnel to manage the entire process
C. Investment capital:
①Initial capital of 700,000-850,000 (including the following items for reference):
Franchise fee: 20,000 Deposit: 20,000 Decoration 150,000-200,000 Goods 300,000-350,000
Advertising investment is not less than 150,000 per year Working capital 40,000-60,000 Unforeseen expenses 20,000-30,000
② Store rent and transfer fee investment are determined according to the local market and are not included in the initial capital
D. Consultation hotline: 0830-6666665 Manager He
Four: Plan to enter the market

Rongchang Yongchuan Hechuan Jiangjinle to Jianyang
Yanjin Suijiang Town Xiong Yiliang Bijie Jinsha
Dafang Nayong Zhijin Weining Hezhang Puding
Leutan Zhengan Fenggang Road Zhenwuchuan Yuqing
5. Specially welcome franchise targets
1. Franchise with a store
Operate two (or more) cosmetics stores (one of which must be in a gold port) and operate it for more than three years
2. Possess the store resources required by the company at the local golden port
3. Sufficient funds, looking for long-term returnees
Information comes from Luzhou Golden Beetle official website: https:/ /www.jinjiachong.com/about.php?m=join
