
⓵A giant billboard fell on the streets of Guangdong and hit 3 people. Is it life-threatening?

A giant billboard fell on the streets of Guangdong and hit three people. According to local reports, there was no life-threatening situation in the incident. Motorcycles happened to bear some of the impact.

A giant billboard falls? I believe that many people will feel that this news is like a scene from a movie, but this is a real thing that happened in Zhaoqing; but fortunately, the three people who were hit did not suffer any life-threatening injuries, and they are probably still injured. Just hurt a little.

1. A giant billboard fell and hit three people. According to relevant local news, there was no great danger to life

Regarding the news about the giant billboard falling, it actually happened. In a certain street in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, this billboard suddenly fell down.

As can be seen from the video, this billboard is indeed very big, and everyone is working hard to rescue the people who were hit; but fortunately, this incident did not cause a big accident. It is said that The three people who were hit only suffered minor injuries, and there was no danger to their lives. It can only be said that the obstruction of motorcycles in this incident reduced the attack of the billboard on the crowd, otherwise it may really cause a serious accident.

2. With the constant incidents of billboards falling down, we should pay more attention to the safety of billboards

The incident of giant billboards in Guangdong actually made us realize that there are still problems with billboard management. , although billboards are well controlled in big cities, they are not the same everywhere.

This incident made us truly realize that the harm of advertising is unpre dictable. Although this incident did not cause life danger, it made us realize that billboards are unpre dictable; as a city management department , we should discover more of these potentially dangerous billboards and ask relevant units to rectify them. Otherwise, a more serious accident may occur next time a billboard incident occurs. Fortunately, this incident in Guangdong did not cause serious harm.

According to data, the incident of the giant billboard falling in Guangdong did not cause major problems.

⓶Sudden! A billboard fell and knocked passers-by unconscious in Guang'an, Sichuan. How to avoid similar tragedies?

The occurrence of such tragedies in daily life has a greater relationship with the property management and the people, because before the incident, some netizens discovered that the signboard of this dried fruit shop was in a state of collapse. status, and even sent this video to the group, hoping that the property management company and the boss would pay attention to it. Who knew that neither of them had any involvement in this matter, so this child was hit by the sign. If you want to effectively pre vent this kind of tragedy from happening, you must pay attention to your surrounding environment. If you see such a sign that cannot be dropped, stay away and don't take chances.

It can be seen from the video that 3/4 of this sign is in the air, while the remaining small part is firmly standing on the corresponding wall. However, the danger of such a signboard is still relatively high. After all, it must be properly maintained and the safety of the signboard must be checked regularly. If a problem occurs, it must be repaired in time. If it causes casualties to others, neither the property manager nor the boss can escape.

In addition, this kind of signboard falling event is unpre dictable, so when traveling, you can only walk on the side and try to avoid these signboards. If you find that the signboard is about to fall off, You should also stay away immediately, and you can also call the corresponding police number to let the police intervene. For the mother, the child is only two years old. This phenomenon is very sad and sad. Now the little girl is being rescued in the hospital and is still in a coma.

So this little girl’s mother can collect evidence and take the store to court, asking the other party to give her justice. Moreover, it will be legally classified as a crime of intentionally injuring others. After all, this phenomenon has been reported by other witnesses, but the merchants, including the property management, have not spoken out or controlled this, so they must bear the main responsibility. But I also hope that the little girl can wake up quickly. If she dies due to such an incident, her mother will live in guilt and pain for the rest of her life.
