Billboard testing third-party testing agency quotation

一、Price for production of inkjet car body billboards

For the production of inkjet car body billboards, the price will vary depending on the size and installation complexity. For inkjet printing processing alone, our quotation is 6-8 yuan/square, while the welding frame installation including inkjet printing is 35 yuan/square. These are regular prices, not the lowest price.

When designing billboards, the price of fonts and branding are also factors to consider. The price of an ordinary brand is 8,606 yuan, while a more economical option is 900 yuan per square meter. The cost of inkjet printing is usually several thousand yuan, while advanced digital inkjet printing is about 5,000 yuan. Therefore, the cost of photo printing of billboard images will generally be around NT$3,000.

In general, the cost of creating a billboard will vary based on its size and difficulty of installation. Our quotations are market standards and will not be higher than the industry average. If you are looking for billboard production services, our spray painting services are an option worth considering.
