I、Outdoor advertising floodlight outdoor billboard, with lights on the lower and upper parts, cannot protrude too much, about 300, height 7 meters
7 meters high flat billboard, only 300 Millimeters of external space?
It is more common to use LED high-power spotlights or lawn lamps
If the advertisement has not been produced and installed, you can make a large light box, which is equivalent to lighting inside. The lighting effect is better, but the disadvantage is that if you use ordinary lamps, the lamps are easy to break, and maintenance is inconvenient and expensive. You can use LED lamps, but the cost is high!
The main types of outdoor advertising media are:
Spotlight billboard:
It is a billboard with spotlights or other lighting equipment installed up and down around the billboard. It is beautiful and Advertising content can be seen at night.
Neon billboards:
Neon light tubes are bent according to patterns or text content. They can be dynamic and have rich and diverse colors. The disadvantage is that the maintenance cost is high and it cannot withstand wind, rain, typhoons and so on. . Now gradually replaced by LED display screen
LED display screen:
Square pillar advertisement:
One or more square pillars support, common on highways or main roads On main roads, in places with a lot of traffic and people, common lighting equipment is spotlights
Large light box advertisements:
Used on building exterior walls or podiums and roofs. It is a colorful advertisement printed on cloth during the day and can be illuminated with spotlights at night. The disadvantage is that the built-in lights are difficult to maintain
Station or bus shelter billboards:
Bus stops, similar to ultra-thin light boxes

Car body mobile advertising:
Car body painting, side banners. High coverage, you can choose the range of advertising lines
Finally, Fei'er, who makes advertising signs in Shenzhen, wishes you health and happiness every day!

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