Chongqing’s billboards are also very good at “renovating”

一、Wu Jing’s son’s name is Wuzhuan, Zhao Wenzhuo’s son is called Zhao Zilong, how weird is Jin Dong’s son’s name?

Wu Jing’s son is called Wu Zhuzi, Jin Dong’s son is called Jin Xiaoye, and Feng Shaofeng’s son’s name is convincing. I believe that most parents will face the same problem after their children are born, that is: the child should What's your name? In addition to registering a given name, there are also nicknames for people close to you, which can cause trouble for parents for a while. Of course, this is true for ordinary couples, and it is also true for parents in the entertainment industry.

The children of star actors will have a nickname, the purpose is not to have too much impact on the child's growth. Giving your child a nickname will not reveal the child's privacy, but it can also give an explanation to your fans. The married star shared that life is always inseparable from his family and children. When it comes to his children, of course he must have an impre ssive name.

I believe everyone is familiar with Jin Dong. His cold appearance and tall figure can easily attract people's attention. He is the star of major film and television dramas. The choice of male protagonist. Not only has he achieved certain achievements in his career, he is also a good man who takes special care of his family. He always shares his children on social networking sites and the happy times he spends with them. Every time he mentions his son, he always smiles. His son’s name is also in line with his temperament, called "Master Jin".

In recent years, Wu Jing has frequently appeared in the film and television industry and has won praise from countless people. Originally an actor with acting skills, he gradually developed into a well-known director and has directed many well-known movies. His love life is also admirable, the relationship between the two is also very good, and the education of his two sons is also very good. He is relatively rough in raising his children, which can be seen from his son's name, which is called "Wu Zhu".

In addition to the names of these two children, the name of Feng Shaofeng's son is even better. If we say that the most eye-catching couple in recent years must be Feng Shaofeng and his wife, their happy life is the envy of countless people, and the birth of their child has added a lot of vitality to their family. He is obviously a boy, but he has such a cute nickname as "Feng Baobao". Many netizens expre ssed their admiration. It can be seen that this name entrusts the couple's deep love

Wu Jing has always been the image of a hot-blooded tough guy in everyone's mind. Whether it is a movie or a TV series starring him, everyone will be excited to watch it. However, such a tough guy seems a bit casual in naming his son. Wu Jing's son is called "Wu Suo". Hahaha, this name is so indifferent. In fact, Wu Jing chose this name for his son with a meaning, that is, he hopes that his son will be fearless. Looking at it this way, the name "Wu Suo" is quite similar to Wu Jing's personality.

The name Kung Fu superstar Zhao Wenzhuo gave his son is very historically significant, Zhao Zilong. Speaking of this, do you all feel that you have stepped into the Three Kingdoms era and seen that heroic and capable figure Zhao Yun? In fact, the reason why Zhao Wenzhuo gave his son this name is very simple, that is, he hopes that his son can be as brave as Zhao Zilong during the Three Kingdoms period!

Jin Dong is known as a "veteran cadre". He is a solid and capable actor. He has had almost no scandals since his debut for more than 20 years. The audience loves this actor who acts with heart from the bottom of his heart. But when it comes to Jin Dong's son's name, I guess no one dares to call him "Jin Xiaoye" because the name is too domineering. Being called Xiaoye at a young age, is such a "senior status" really good for a child?

When everyone knows the names of the sons of Guan Yun and Ji Yunfei, they will probably all agree that the names given by the above celebrities to their sons are too common. Yes, they named their son "Ji Guanqiang". This is a good name that contains both Guan Yun and Ji Yunfei's surnames. It can be said that the couple wants to be very satisfied. However, netizens exploded on this. Doesn't the "Jiguan gun" have to be a machine gun? Such an explosive name is too funny! Hahaha, I wonder if my children will complain when they grow up!
