
一、What is the subject of billboard production?

Billboard production is a commercial service or production and installation service subject.

The detailed explanation is as follows:

1. Basic definition of billboard production

Billboard production involves design , production, installation and other links, the purpose is to provide an effective visual medium for commercial promotion and information transmission. These billboards can appear on streets, shopping malls, highways and other places to promote brands, products, activities and other information.

2. Scope of Business Service Subjects

As a part of commercial activities, billboard production naturally belongs to the business service subjects. This subject mainly covers various services related to business operations, including but not limited to advertising production, printing, signage and signage production, etc. The services provided by billboard production companies are pre cisely to meet the needs of commercial promotion, so it is reasonable to classify them as commercial services.

3. Characteristics of production and installation services

The production of billboards requires not only design, but also actual production and installation. This process involves many aspects such as technology, materials and labor. Therefore, from the perspective of service content, billboard production can also be classified as production and installation services. This service requires the support of professional skills and experience to ensure the quality and safety of billboards.

4. Compre hensive Overview

To sum up, billboard production not only involves the core needs of commercial promotion, but also includes design, production and installation. A range of services. Therefore, it falls under the business services or production and installation services account. This field continues to develop with the prosperity of business activities and is of great significance in promoting economic growth and information transmission. As an organization that provides professional services, billboard production companies not only meet customer needs, but also promote their own development.
