Wall advertising three-dimensional effect inkjet printing

1、Wall advertising inkjet printer

Wall advertising inkjet printer: a creative tool that makes the city more colorful

Wall advertising inkjet printer is a kind of machine that can be used in construction Equipment for spray painting on exterior walls, fences, floors and other places. It can turn the designer's creativity into real patterns, making the city more colorful. This article will introduce the operating steps of the wall advertising inkjet printer and how to use it for creative inkjet printing.

Operation steps

Step 1: Preparation

Before using the wall advertising inkjet printer, some pre parations are required. First of all, you need to choose a suitable wall surface for spray painting and ensure that the wall surface is dry, flat, dust-free, and free of oil stains, etc. Secondly, you need to pre pare inkjet printing equipment, inkjet printing materials, inkjet printing templates, etc.

Step 2: Make an inkjet template

The inkjet template is an important tool for wall advertising inkjet printers. When making inkjet printing templates, the pattern provided by the designer needs to be enlarged, reduced, divided, etc., and then the pattern is carved out using engraving machines, laser cutting machines and other equipment to make inkjet printing templates.

Step 3: Inkjet printing equipment settings

Before inkjet printing, you need to set up the inkjet printing equipment. First of all, you need to select the appropriate nozzle and print head and adjust them according to the different printing materials. Secondly, the equipment needs to be adjusted according to the size and shape of the inkjet template. Finally, it is necessary to adjust the printing speed, printing pre ssure and other parameters of the inkjet printer.

Step 4: Inkjet printing operation

When performing inkjet printing operation, you need to fix the inkjet printing template on the wall, and then move the inkjet printing equipment to the inkjet printing position. When inkjet printing, it is necessary to keep the distance between the inkjet printing equipment and the inkjet printing template appropriate, keep the inkjet printing speed stable, and avoid spray leakage, spray flowers, etc.

Creative inkjet printing

Wall advertising inkjet printers can not only be used for commercial advertising, but also for creative inkjet printing. When doing creative inkjet printing, you need to choose appropriate inkjet materials and inkjet templates according to the designer's requirements to turn the designer's creativity into real patterns.

Creative spray painting can add an artistic flavor to the city and make the city more colorful. For example, creative spray painting in city parks, squares and other places can provide tourists with a beautiful and comfortable environment and increase the cultural heritage of the city.
