Primary school students promote school billboard works

一、How to promote enrollment in primary care classes?

1. How to set up flyers

To send out flyers, you must first know the purpose of issuing flyers: to expand the popularity of primary school care classes, thereby bringing in inquiries.

The flyer must be attractive. There are many primary school child care classes at the school gate. Parents will only read your flyer if it is attractive. The more information the flyer contains, the less likely people will be interested in reading. When designing flyers, be sure to capture the pain points of parents, so that you can bring traffic to primary school care classes.

The leaflets for primary school care classes mainly have the following problems:

1. The information is inaccurate and the readability is not strong

Looking at many flyers, the first sentence is "This institution is a formal educational institution and has obtained qualifications" or "This institution has strong teaching staff." One characteristic of these leaflets is that they are inevitably self-praising, but they are very boring to read, the key points are unclear, and they are completely devoid of highlights and appeal.

2. Vague score list

Many primary school care classes use students Li and Zhang as pronouns because they want to protect the privacy of students. This will obviously make parents feel that The institutions themselves made it up. Of course, if you are promoting the school, using score improvement cases as propaganda can have a certain effect, but it is best to ensure the authenticity of the information.

2. How to arrange the display racks

Many parents don’t look at the display racks for more than one minute. Therefore, the main purpose of the display racks is not to let customers get much information, but to find ways to attract them. Live with parents to let parents understand the core information of primary school care classes.
