
本文目录一览1、What is wall advertising

Wall advertising refers to the form of advertising carried out on buildings, walls and other public places in cities. It is a form of advertising with strong visual impact that allows audiences to inadvertently come into contact with advertising information in their daily lives, thereby increasing brand exposure and awareness.

Wall advertising is characterized by its significant advertising effect, wide coverage, long duration, and low cost, so it is widely used in urban marketing. There are various forms of wall advertising, including painted advertising, sticker advertising, light box advertising, inkjet advertising, etc.

Operation steps for wall advertising

1. Determine the location of the advertisement

First of all, you need to determine the location of the advertisement and choose a place with a large flow of people for placement, such as Commercial areas, transportation hubs, scenic spots, etc. At the same time, factors such as urban planning and environmental protection need to be taken into consideration to avoid illegal placement and environmental pollution.

2. Design advertising content

Designing advertising content requires taking into account many factors such as brand positioning, target audience, and advertising effectiveness. Advertising content should be concise, easy to understand, visually impactful and attractive, and able to arouse the audience's interest and attention.

3. Produce advertising materials

Producing advertising materials requires the selection of appropriate materials and production processes to ensure the quality and effect of the advertisement. Common wall advertising materials include PVC, inkjet cloth, light box film, etc.

4. Advertising

Advertising needs to take into account factors such as delivery time, delivery method, delivery quantity, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with city management regulations to ensure the legality and effectiveness of advertising.

Advantages of wall advertising

1. Remarkable advertising effect

Wall advertising has strong visual impact and appeal, which can arouse the audience's interest and Attention, increase brand exposure and awareness.

2. Wide coverage

Wall advertising can cover every corner of the city and can be placed in places with large flow of people. It has wide coverage and a wide audience.

3. Long duration

Wall advertising has a long duration and can exist for a long time after being placed. It is not limited by time and location and can continue to bring exposure and benefits to the brand. .

4. Low cost

The cost of wall advertising is relatively low. For example, compared with TV advertising and outdoor advertising, the cost of wall advertising is lower, and it can provide small and medium-sized enterprises with A more cost-effective way to advertise.

2、The development history of rural wall advertising
In the 1980s, rural wall advertising, as an emerging commercial medium, was mainly used to promote products such as feed and fertilizer, although it was still relatively sporadic at that time. . After more than two decades of evolution, wall advertising has become an indispensable part of the battle for the rural market and an indispensable element in the media mix.
Farmers have relatively limited channels for obtaining information. Television and radio are the media they are most frequently exposed to, accounting for 90.3% and 64.6% respectively. In comparison, the exposure rate of newspapers is only 6.4%, and outdoor media such as wall advertisements have become farmers’ only choice for exposure to advertisements. Therefore, wall advertising can flourish in vast rural areas and become an important carrier for information dissemination.
One of the advantages of wall advertising is its low cost. It is simple to make and uses ready-made walls of private houses with almost no additional cost. Advertising companies say that the cost of publishing wall advertisements is extremely low, and can even be said to be free. This has become an important factor in attracting advertisers amid the current rising advertising costs.
The survey results show that wall advertising has a significant communication effect. Except for illiterate villagers, most of the interviewees said they had seen wall advertisements, and 67% of the illiterate farmers would ask others about the content of advertisements. This shows that the promotional content of wall advertisements can be understood by most villagers.
Due to the geographical characteristics of the village, wall advertisements have a high contact rate and frequency within the village. When villagers talk on the roadside at the entrance of the village, the wall advertisements on both sides of the road often become the focus of attention, further expanding the coverage of advertising. Moreover, the wall advertising environment is single and has low interference, which is conducive to the clear transmission of information.
Finally, wall advertisements are highly targeted. The survey found that advertisements for local service products and means of production and means of transportation that are closely related to farmers’ production and life account for a high proportion. This reflects that wall advertising is not only closely related to the lives of villagers, but also closely connected to on-site sales activities and is interactive.

3、Where should wall advertisements be placed?
It depends on which position you want to place. Wall advertisements are generally placed in rural areas. Wall advertisements use the walls on both sides of the highway and use colored waterproof coatings. Pigments are drawn into various promotional contents, or advertising patterns are made with inkjet cloth or inkjet film. The former is called wall hand-painting, and the latter is called wall inkjet printing, which is similar to advertising towers and street sign advertisements. Compared with other advertising forms, it is favored by the majority of enterprises because of its low cost, wide distribution, long-lasting effect, fast production, good visual effects, and conducive to enterprises to explore the middle and low-end markets. It is the most suitable form of advertising to expand the rural market. I have cooperated with Xinmei before. You can ask in detail
