Outdoor billboard automatic switch acrylic light box

⒈A detailed introduction to the installation method of acrylic light boxes

Walking through the streets and alleys, you will see a dazzling array of advertising light boxes, a few conspicuous large characters, and a few distinctive advertising slogans, which are very intuitive. It clearly achieves the publicity effect, but often people only see its advertising slogans and do not understand these light boxes. There are many brands of such advertising light boxes on the market. Acrylic light boxes are an important advertising light box. Many details and fields will be more widely used. Based on different designs and detail control, acrylic light boxes have gained people's attention and favor. Its design advantage is that in the use of materials, it can bring a different feeling to our actual use. So how to install acrylic? Next, the editor will introduce it to you in detail.


Acrylic light box installation method

1. Determine the installation location of the acrylic light box, according to the actual situation and the acrylic light box The variety determines the installation method.

 2. Measurement size: Determine the fixed point for installing the acrylic light box based on the actual size of the mounting hole position on the back of the acrylic light box. There are four situations as follows:

A. For walls made of aluminum-plastic panels, wood panels, iron plates, etc., they can be fixed directly with screws;

B. For ordinary cement walls or brick walls, first Use an impact drill to drill holes, and then fix them with expansion screws;


C. For wall surfaces with ceramic tiles, marble, glass, etc., you can use glass first Drill through the surface with a drill bit, then drill expansion screw holes, and then fix the acrylic light box;

D. For acrylic light boxes that need to be hoisted or suspended, after selecting the installation location, pre ss the actual size of the acrylic light box installation holes Determine the fixed point for installing the acrylic light box, install the spre ader, and connect the ground wire.


 3. Wiring: The outlet end of the power cord of the acrylic light box is on the back. If the power supply of the acrylic light box is on the back of the acrylic light box, the power supply can be cut off. If the power supply is outside the location where the acrylic light box is installed, the outlet line of the acrylic light box power supply can be connected to the edge of the acrylic light box, and then use a three-phase plug. Plug into the supplied power socket.

4. Fix the acrylic light box: Open the upper cover of the acrylic light box, align it with the fixed point and install it, that is, use an electric drill to drill holes in the power cord position of the acrylic light box base, reinstall the power cord, and adjust it with a level. horizontal state.

5. Turn on the power and test the light, and clean the surface of the acrylic light box.


The above is the installation method of acrylic light box. I believe you will know how to install acrylic light box after reading the introduction introduced by the editor. I hope you can Help everyone, it will be more widely used in many details and fields. In the actual use of light boxes, you also need to consider the performance and details of the equipment. There are many details about the use of the equipment. When using the light box In the process, you need to have a simple understanding of the light box based on your actual use. Including the performance, material, operation method of the light box, etc., these are all aspects that cannot be ignored. In the normal operation process, many details must be considered, and certain operating steps must be followed for installation.

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