How to cooperate with property management in residential elevator advertising

o(╯□╰)oWho should you contact first if you want to place advertisements in residential elevators? Is it a residential property or an elevator advertising company?
If the real estate agent has not cooperated with an advertising company, you can find one. If the real estate company cooperates with an advertising company, it is usually an advertising company.
First of all, you should have a rough budget for the advertisement you want to make, and make first-hand pre parations. The results of advertising are efficiency and profit, so you must choose a good location for placement. Secondly, it is what you said about looking for properties to understand the market. Find several more properties to compare with. It is best to be in a place that can produce direct benefits for your advertising. Don’t blindly consider the cost, what you want is the results.
Look for an elevator advertising company. Property owners do not have the right to take orders privately, and many owners have become more and more aware of rights protection and have begun to manage the rental of elevator advertising spaces on their own through owners' committees.
Some properties have indeed taken orders privately, but it is neither legal nor reasonable. Once the owner pursues them, they will immediately withdraw them.
There are many types of advertising companies. Some advertising companies may not necessarily have elevator advertising business. You can inquire more, or you can directly search for your area, such as Xuzhou Elevator Advertising Company, and there should be many companies for you. You can call for more consultation. Each company has different advertising resources. You can consult from the aspects of advertising location, price, and method. Nowadays, elevator advertising is divided into printed bulletin boards, electronic screens, There are three types of screen projection. It is recommended to use electronic screen or screen projection. This should save a lot of printing costs, and it is also very convenient to cast. Moreover, both electronic screen and screen projection can now be made into video formats. The effect is better than the paper bulletin board.
According to relevant national laws and regulations, advertising revenue in public areas belongs to all owners, and there is no need to question this. Relevant staff of the Yinchuan City Heating Property Office and legal professionals have made it clear that the property owner must obtain the owner's consent to publish advertisements in public areas within the community. In the absence of an explicit agreement between the two parties, the advertising revenue should belong to the owner.
As for the use of advertising revenue, the first principle is that if the property owner and the property owner have an agreement, it shall be handled in accordance with the agreement; if there is no agreement or the agreement is unclear, the proceeds should also be used according to the provisions of the "Property Management Regulations". Supplementary special maintenance funds can also be used according to the decision of the owners' meeting. Zhang Jia believes that once a property service company infringes on the rights of owners, the owners can negotiate with the property company through the property owners committee to resolve the issue. If negotiations cannot be reached, the owners can safeguard their rights through litigation. At the same time, property companies should publish financial statements on the income generated from public parts once a year to let owners know clearly. This can also reduce disputes and conflicts.
