Hangzhou community billboard quotation

本文目录一览⓵Do all billboards above the second floor in Lin'an, Hangzhou have to be demolished?
This is basically impossible. Only some billboards in small units that pose safety risks will be demolished.

⓶Hundreds of tombs are hidden next door to a residential area in Hangzhou. The developer used billboards to cover them. Is it intentional to hide them?

Graves have been a very taboo place for people since ancient times. Generally speaking, it is very unpleasant to see a grave near a residence. With the continuous development of the current social economy, urban construction has expanded to the suburbs, which inevitably leads to the problem of graves near communities. This problem has arisen in a community in Hangzhou. There are hundreds of graves hidden next door to the community. The developer has been blocking them with billboards. I personally think this is definitely a deliberate concealment. The reasons are as follows:

1. If I don’t hide it, it will affect the sales of housing

The purpose of developers building houses is to sell. I believe that in the process of building houses, developers absolutely know that there are hundreds of tombs next door. However, it is currently difficult to acquire land and relocate. Graves are expensive, so the easiest way is to surround the graves with billboards so that buyers cannot see the graves during the sales process. Otherwise, once home buyers see so many graves, I believe absolutely no one will buy a house here, so I personally think this is definitely intentional, and enclosing it is most beneficial to developers. Without enclosing it, it will definitely be difficult to sell.

2. Why only block this area of ​​the tomb?

I think this is done deliberately. Another reason is that the developer only blocked this area. If the developer did not block it deliberately, Why bother just surrounding the grave? You must know that deep down in everyone's heart, there is a deep fear and resistance to the grave. So once discovered by customers, it will definitely cause a stir among the owners. You can imagine what it would be like to see hundreds of graves when you open the window when you wake up in the morning. Just thinking about it makes your back shiver.

It's okay during the day, but at night, people will feel cooler. Although this is just a feeling, it will definitely affect people's mood. Therefore, it is most likely that it was done deliberately, or why not fence other places.

3. This is a common trick of developers

Generally speaking, if there is nothing abnormal around, developers will not spend huge sums of money to build billboards. After all, construction also requires costs. , and it will be troublesome to dismantle it later. Just from the fact that the developer did not care about personal gains and losses to build this thankless billboard, we can judge that there is definitely a problem. As long as the developer is evil, there will definitely be problems, so you must pay attention to these detailed issues when buying a house.

Friendly reminder: Buying a house is a big deal, so be careful when spending money. It is also necessary to survey the terrain in advance to see if there are any abnormalities around you. After all, this is where you will live for a long time in the future. For building tall. If you can't see anything behind the billboard, you must pay more attention. It is very likely that there are graves behind it that people don't want to see, so this situation is definitely concealed by the developer on purpose.

⓷Should store decoration billboards be hung first or last?
Before opening the store, decoration and billboards can be carried out at the same time.
In the decoration design stage, the store sign must be well designed. Decoration is carried out first, and advertisements saying "Preparations for opening and decoration are in progress, please stay tuned" are hung. When the decoration is almost completed, store signs are installed, trial operation is carried out, and an auspicious day is chosen for opening.
The time from hanging the sign to opening is about two months. If it is too early, customers will turn from expectation to fatigue.
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