What material are wall advertising stamps made of?

What materials are used for manual handwriting on walls?
Acrylic paint material. Acrylic paint material is a kind of painting pigment. It is a high-quality pigment made of polymethyl methacrylate dissolved in mineral spirits. It is commonly used in painting and artificial handwriting walls. Purely hand-painted wall advertisements are hand-written by senior art masters based on the size, height, and length of each wall, typesetting them on site.

What are the benefits of luminous wall advertising and what materials is it made of?
Glow-in-the-dark wall advertising uses luminous oil paint as a new water-based paint, which is formulated from luminous powder, inorganic grease, inorganic solvents, additives, etc. Apply luminous paint, and when it forms a film, the process of absorbing light and emitting light can cycle infinitely, pre senting good emergency lighting. After absorbing light for 1 hour, it can emit light for 8-16 hours. It is mainly used in various traffic signs and highways and Promotion of brand products to achieve unique effects. Drying time 4h Surface dry 1h Adhesion level 1 Solid drying Moisture resistance 48h No blistering, no cracking Covering power ≤ 95gm2 Water resistance No blistering, no cracking Solid content ≥ 98% Impact strength ≥ 40kg, gm Application scope: Attachment of this product It has strong strength, high heat resistance and wear resistance, and is suitable for surface coating on various cement walls, brick walls, pottery and other materials. 1. Brush, spray, curtain spray and other processes can be used. 2. Necessary pre treatment of the substrate before construction can increase the luminous brightness and extend the luminous time. 3. When the luminescent coating reaches a certain thickness, ideal luminous brightness can be obtained. The most economical effect of the thickness of the luminescent coating should be 8-16 microns. The thicker the coating, the better the luminous brightness and the longer the luminous afterglow time. 4. Protective overcoat light can improve the gloss and weather resistance of the coating. 5. Heavy metal compounds cannot be used as additives
