城管 整改广告牌 吃饱没事干

No. According to the relevant information, if you have paid the relevant fees to the urban management department and complied with the relevant regulations of urban planning and construction management when hanging the billboard, then after your billboard is closed or expires, , the urban management department will not remove your billboards at will. If your billboard is illegal, dangerous, or affects the image of the city, the Urban Management Department has the right to remove it or require you to make rectifications.

⑵Does the urban management have the right to require store billboards to be next to each other?
Yes. According to a query on Hualv.com, we learned that urban management can impose restrictions on the size, height, location, and brightness of store billboards. Urban management, the full name of urban management law enforcement, is the department responsible for compre hensive administrative law enforcement in urban management. Mainly responsible for the guidance, overall coordination and organization of urban management supervision and administrative law enforcement in this city, as well as the supervision and assessment of the team.
