Firefighters remove billboards to eliminate safety hazards

Inspiration from fire safety hazards
Fire safety hazards are mainly reflected in the inadequate fire pre vention measures.
1. Strengthen fire protection publicity work and compre hensively enhance the fire protection awareness of all employees.
For example: At home, power cords are often connected indiscriminately, and electric mattresses are used for a long time. These behaviors often hide fire hazards, which may cause you to lose family and friendship, or even more wealth. In the future, we must shift the focus of firefighting work downwards and move the gate forward, strengthen the publicity of daily firefighting work, use various billboards, slogans, firefighting cartoons and other media to build momentum and publicize widely, create a good firefighting publicity atmosphere, and further enhance people's awareness of firefighting. Understand the importance of fire safety, compre hensively enhance the fire protection awareness of all employees, and form a good situation of full participation and group pre vention and management in firefighting work to ensure the fire safety of society.
2. Strengthen fire accident pre vention and conduct fire safety inspections. With the continuous development of society, the hidden dangers of various fire accidents are also increasing day by day, and fire protection work is facing new issues. In order to make every effort to ensure daily firefighting without accidents, all departments must strengthen departmental self-inspection and self-correction, compre hensively implement parts and facilities that do not meet fire safety requirements, and completely eliminate hidden dangers. Hidden dangers that cannot be self-corrected must be reported to the local fire department in a timely manner for assistance. Solve and avoid disaster accidents. Regional fire departments should organize relevant departments and personnel to conduct fire safety inspections on fire protection facilities, various places and crowded places within their jurisdiction according to seasonal changes and characteristics. In particular, fire management should be strengthened in autumn and winter, and fire protection management should be strengthened in oil areas and flammable areas. Key fire pre vention areas such as explosive areas must increase the frequency of fire inspections, keep daily inspection records, and respond to emergencies in a timely manner. Give full play to your maximum potential to dig deep into hidden dangers, and make every effort to eliminate unsafe factors to ensure fire safety.
3. All fire departments should strengthen professional training and improve the overall quality of the team. According to the current fire situation, all fire departments must clearly understand the situation, clarify their work ideas, unify their thinking, and make every effort to do a good job in fire safety. In order to improve the ability of firefighters to put out fires, it is recommended that each fire department regularly organizes its personnel to conduct fire protection knowledge training and practical exercises, and develop careful training plans based on the problems existing in the department's work, so that the training work is organically integrated with the actual work. Combined, they form the effect of training serving the work. In the training, we must strictly follow the implementation of "time, personnel, and results", and pay special attention to the improvement of personal quality. We must adopt an incentive system to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of personnel training to achieve the expected training goals and effects. Promote the improvement of the overall quality of the team through the improvement of personal quality.
4. "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." With the diversity of engineering building designs, fire accidents also pre sent complexity. In society, fire safety occupies an extremely important position and is related to social stability and economic development. To build a fire department, we must increase investment in manpower and material resources, build fire protection projects, and build firewalls. When introducing fire-fighting facilities, we must adhere to the principle of "convenience and practicality", gradually improve fire-fighting services, enhance fire-fighting capabilities, strengthen social protection, and improve pre ventive measures.
In short, fire safety is of paramount importance. We strengthen fire protection publicity, mobilize the masses extensively, eliminate various hidden dangers, and ensure social fire safety
