
What to do if a billboard along the street is scratched beyond the wall?
If a billboard along the street is scratched beyond the wall, you can take the following measures:
1. Take photos immediately: after discovering that the billboard has been scratched , you should immediately take photos and record the situation at the scene, including the location, size, degree of damage and other information of the billboard.
2. Contact the advertising company: If the billboard is contracted by an advertising company, you can contact the advertising company to inform them that the billboard has been scratched and ask them to repair or replace it as soon as possible.
3. Report to the property management department: If the billboard is within the scope of property management, you can report it to the property management department or the relevant responsible person and ask them to handle it in a timely manner.
4. Contact the urban management department: If there are problems with billboards hanging illegally or occupying roads, you can contact the local urban management department and ask them to deal with the violations.
5. Seek legal help: If the damage to the billboard has caused you financial losses or other adverse effects, you can seek legal help to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
